Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The 470 ARG News Letter for September 16th, 2009

Hello all,and welcome to this weeks news letter, hope that everyone is keeping dry and feeling ok, with no flu or virus issues like  has been going around, great turnout on the net last week 74 total, thanks to all who checked in on the net and via e mail, and I would like to thank Danny and Russell for the great job they do... You well have Danny tomorrow, as its my 3rd Thursday, so I will be at our ARES and Sevier County Emergency Radio Service meeting..... I would like to thank the fellows on the 3644 Traders net which starts every Wednesday at 7:00 pm EST on 3.644.00 Mhz for allowing me to call the net, its the Traders Net that was started for amateur extra class operaters to buy, sell and trade or request amateur radio equipment, its a very productive net, place it on the air, your call, name and phone number is required, also the guys get together and have some tech talk after the net, great bunch of guys,so take a listen... and maybe find that piece of equipment you maybe looking for....

From the NTA and Homeland Security....

This weeks tech stuff
Batteries , how and why... we spoke about them today on the radio .....thought everyone may like..
Well hope that this give you a little info on batteries, thanks  Perry and Bill for the idea !
Ever wondered about circuit boards ?...

Computer Software Free !! they work great ....

AVG 8.5.409

Malwarebytes....GREAT !!!.

Super Anti  Spyware  this one is super great !!

Firefox 3.5.3   Better than Explorer by far in my opinion ...


Hope that you like these downloads , they work very well for me on mine, and Cathy's

Alpha radio Products !!....

Smithsonian and AMSAT....


NSC Responds..

What is a OO.....? Well here is the breakdown and what it takes..

Official ARRL Field Organization Appointment Description: Official Observer

The Official Observer program has been sponsored by the League for more than 50 years to help amateurs help each other. Official Observer appointees have assisted thousands of amateurs to maintain their transmitting equipment and operating procedures in compliance with the regulations. The object of the OO program is to notify amateurs by mail of operating/technical irregularities before they come to the attention of the FCC.

The OO is also the backbone of the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC. OOs are certified in the Auxiliary by passing a mandatory written examination.

The OO performs his function by listening rather than transmitting, keeping an ear out for such things as frequency instability, harmonics, hum, key clicks, broad signals, distorted audio, over deviation, out-of-band operation, etc. The OO completes his task once the notification card is sent.

In hard-core rules violations cases, OOs refer problems to higher echelons of the Amateur Auxiliary, and may be requested to gather evidence for possible FCC enforcement actions. Requirements follow:

  1. Must take and pass examination to be certified as a member of the Amateur Auxiliary, an FCC requirement, based on study of the ARRL's Amateur Auxiliary Training Manual.

  2. Must be an ARRL Full Member and have been a licensee of Technician Class or higher for at least four years.

  3. Must report to the OO Coordinator regularly on FSD-23.

  4. Maintain regular activity in sending out advisory notices as needed.

The OO program is one of the most important functions of the League. A sincere dedication to helping our brother and sister amateurs is required for appointment. Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public. 

Also check out..

The Field Org.....

Well now you know what it takes .......and how it works ..

Much of what is heard is inappropriate and violates standards of polite society, but it is not illegal. Only obscene or indecent transmissions are illegal. See the League's FCC Rule Book for a discussion of how the FCC defines the standards for obscenity and indecency. Serious cases can be referred to the Amateur Auxiliary for handling.

Language that's inappropriate, but not illegal, or isn't so serious that we can reasonably expect the FCC to devote resources to its correction, must be addressed by the amateur community itself. We must not let the bad behavior drive out the good: Each of us who cares about Amateur Radio must maintain the highest possible standards when operating, even in the face of provocation. We must let other amateurs know, as politely as possible, that we expect them to observe the same standards.Everyone should get along, no ,matter what frequency , band , repeater.. remember there are many listeners...

Licensed Law Breakers .......

This I found very interesting .....about law breakers

Well hope that you have enjoyed the news letter,

Oct 3rd a Tech Class at the EOC , give me a call on this if you know someone who is interested.

Oct 10  ARECC Class and Test , give me a call if interested..

Sept 26th hope to see you at TenTec Hamfest, we will be in the Big Tent, SCERS handing out a load of material..

Danny will be the NCO for tomorrow , so have a great time  on the net and thank you all for your participation .....

73 Rick and Cathy and the Kids 

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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