Wednesday, July 29, 2009

470 ARG News Letter July 30th, 09

I have grown web feet in the past few days but the sun is back out and all looking well at this particular time.
Hope evryone is doing well, and a Happy Birthday to Danny KI4YCJ who's birthday was Monday, and also Tyler's wife who's was Monday also.....with that lets continue on, hope that everyone will enjoy the news letter this week........
Saturday the 1st we will be having a Tech Class at the EOC/911 building at 245 Bruce Street, Sevierville TN at 10:00 am , the doors will open at 9:30 am, the test will be at 4:00 pm ... there is a hour lunch break and 3 -- 15 min breaks until test time.. This is a approved ARRL test session and will be teaching the Q&A on the Tech, electronic formula's and the FCC Rules and Regs, this is a very interactive class, and so far has had 100% success...if you know someone who would like to get their Tech License  send them on down........their will not be another Tech class until October, but we will always have our regular test sessions every 4th Saturday unless stated diffrent on the ARRL website !! We will again be giving out free material at the test sessions !
7 Charged In NC  from the NTAS
Home Of The NTAS
The New USS New YORK, this is a great article........

Special features of USS NEW YORK:

  • Bow stem includes seven and a half tons of steel recovered from the World Trade Center's twin towers
  • Construction with World Trade Center steel was encouraged by Governor George Pataki of New York and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City
  • Name given by then Secretary of the Navy Gordon England
  • Keel was laid on August 2004
  • 1,200 Louisiana workers stayed to keep building the ship after Hurricane Katrina hit the shipyard in August 2005
  • Ship was christened at Northrop Grumman's Avondale shipyard on March 1, 2008
  • Motto: "Strength forged through sacrifice. Never forget."

The Ship's Crest

  • Seven rays of sunlight signify both the crown atop the Statue of Liberty and the seven seas
  • Central focus placed on the Twin Towers and the bow of the ship, forged from the towers' steel
  • Breastplate of the phoenix bears the colors of first responders from the New York Police Department, New York Fire Department, and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
  • Blood drops represent the fallen
  • Three stars for those earned by the battleship USS NEW YORK (BB34) in World War II at Iwo Jima, Okinawa and North Africa

This site belongs to a friend of mine, very interesting what he does....

Space Shuttle to Deploy Satellite From Student....

Amateur's Provide Communications During Gas Leak.....

Local Ham's Help Rescue Squad


The Amateur Amateur Field Day 09....................

Remembering Nautilus 90 North

Board Meeting On Ham Radio at ARRL..................

Ham Radio Helps In Mountain Rescue........

FOX Hunting and More........      ...........          ..............      

DX Map Site, .............N0HR System
The ISS Referance on Ham's In Space
Shuttle Audio Frequencies......
 TN    Pigeon Forge      146.450    11/07/98  N4YEK        Simplex PL-67hz
 Complete website for all... =
Check Out The CDC Site.... Has the answers you may want to ask....
H1N1 Flu Info...
Vaccine Updates..Flu ....
Sign Up for The Daily News Letter From The CDC.. Stay Informed On All Things !!
This Will Be Good, Hope that some of our area hams will participate in the event....
Kentucky Division of Emergency Management

Department of Military Affairs

Boone National Guard Center

Frankfort, KY 40601-6168


On behalf of Brigadier General John Heltzel, you are cordially invited to participate in a statewide pandemic influenza exercise that will be held August 3-7, 2009. The communications portion of the exercise will begin each day at 8:00 A.M. and run until approximately 8:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday and will end at 2:00 P.M. on Friday.

This exercise is somewhat unique in that it will allow you the opportunity to participate in a statewide exercise without ever having to leave your community. As a matter of fact, we are hoping that you will work with other partners in your local community to determine your level of preparedness for just such an event. It is our hope that amateur radio operators along with government agencies and officials, schools, emergency response agencies, emergency management officials and businesses will join together as we prepare for the inevitable – another pandemic influenza. There is no limit to the number of operators that can participate and operators may participate at any time during the week long exercise within the time frames shown above.

One of our communications goals for the week is to use pre-identified 2 meter and 80 meter amateur radio frequencies to facilitate contact with all 120 counties in the Commonwealth. To some degree it will be like operating a week long net control. The amateur radio station in the Commonwealth EOC will be used to pass traffic and log check-ins during the week. The more operators we have check in, the better.

Daily messages will be broadcast from the State EOC at approximately 8:00 A.M. that will outline activities for the day. During the exercise a variety of injects or scenarios will be phoned, emailed, or transmitted by other means to participants from an exercise control center. Injects will provide opportunities for local participants to evaluate their ability to maintain operations and respond to the effects of injects on their local community. It is our hope that participants in your community will activate a variety of communication systems that will enable the exercise control center and other exercise officials to communicate across the state. We have specifically asked participants to consider using amateur radio as a source of communications to test communication systems that may be used for the purpose of maintaining local communications capabilities. Injects will flow to participants throughout the exercise even if the participant is only available to participate in the exercise for a few hours on a single day. Injects should be used when the local community deems itself active in the exercise. You could potentially be asked to assist with transmitting traffic for local exercise participants as well as our request that you check in with the State EOC.

Local clubs or ARES organizations may wish to participate as a group. There really is no limit to the ways or extent at which you may participate in the drill. Meet and decide what parts of your communications plan needs to be tested. Exercising gives us all the opportunity to identify weaknesses before the emergency occurs.

Once your involvement in the exercise is complete, we encourage you to provide us with some feedback regarding your participation. There is an established format we would like you to use. If you email me at I will be able to email you a copy of the form we will be using. You may then complete the form and send your comments electronically to:

As previously noted, our amateur radio system will be manned and operational from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. on Friday. We will be utilizing the EOC call sign for all operations, which is KY4EOC, and will be monitoring the following 2 meter frequencies.

146.700 – CTCSS 79.7 – Brooks, Kentucky

146.715 – CTCSS 100.0 – Berea, Kentucky

We will also be monitoring the following HF frequencies.

 Daytime

40 meters – Primary – 7228.0 LSB

40 meters – Secondary – 7128.0 LSB

 Nightime

80 meters – Primary – 3.972.5 LSB

80 meters – Secondary - 3960.0 LSB

We will also be passing traffic from various sites via the following 70 cm repeater:

 444.050 – CTCSS in Williamsburg - 100.0; in Shelbyville - 95.1

The Brooks repeater is also available via Echolink – Node # 124812. Should we lose Echolink access through the Brooks machine, we will revert to the 444.125 machine in Lexington, Node # 319220

Stations checking in with the EOC will be asked, at a minimum, to provide the following information at a minimum:

 Call sign;

 First name;

County of operation; and

 Signal report.

In addition, stations may be asked to perform certain tasks or to handle traffic to or from their area of operation. Operators should have blank Radiograms (these forms are available at or ICS Form 213s (available at ready for use, should traffic need to be passed.

Should you have further questions regarding the exercise, please feel free to contact your Local Emergency Management Director or your Regional Response Manager with the Kentucky Division of Emergency Management. You may also contact one of our Duty Officers, Patrick Compton, KF4FMZ, via email at, We hope that you will consider joining us for this exercise.



Charles M. O'Neal, B.A., NREMT-P, KE4AIE

Assistant Director

Kentucky Division of Emergency Management

Please visit the Kentucky Amateur Radio website

"KYHAM" at:
to locate

your local ARES contact information.

KY4EOC will also conduct an exercise net on the following
KY ARES channels:

0800-1600 est
40 meters Daytime – Primary 7228.0Mhz LSB
Secondary 7198.0Mhz LSB

1600-0800 est
75 meters Night time – Primary 3972.5Mhz LSB
Secondary 3960.0Mhz LSB

Tim Wright KD4OVM
Thanks Tim ,Hope to catch you on the event , Rick Sr
Well thats about it for this week and hope to hear you all on the net Thursday Night at 7:30 pm on the 145.470..
Great net again last week, thank you all for being there.....
Rick And Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940, 443.225
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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