Wednesday, July 22, 2009

470 ARG News Letter July 22-23 Week

Hello everyone and hope that you are enjoying this continued great weather we are having, I also would like to thank Jack, Teresa, Danny, and Ralph who was the backup for the net last week, was a great net with a total count of 86.....Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the net...Danny had surgery last week and oh by the way its his Birthday this coming Monday !!! He is 25 he said ,, mmmmm, but wasn't sure that he could pull off the net after surgery so Jack and Teresa took it and Ralph was our backup just in case.. was happy to know Russell also made the net, he has been very busy with Bible School and some other things..ok lets get started with the news letter for this week and hope that everyone can join us tommorrow, Thursday for the 7:30 PM on the 145.470..
This week from the NTAC...
Choosing a Ham Radio after the Tech test..... from ARRL
Mountain Radio and Ham Radio....
Passport To World Radio In Limbo.....
KB2GSD SK.....
We all will Miss him !!
Always check your equipment before going up, we sometimes forget that things do wear out !!
W1AW add's more digital modes....

HR 2160 Introduced

On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) introduced HR 2160, the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009, in the US House of Representatives. This bill, if passed, would "promote and encourage the valuable public service, disaster relief, and emergency communications provided on a volunteer basis by licensees of the Federal Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio Service, by undertaking a study of the uses of Amateur Radio for emergency and disaster relief communications, by identifying unnecessary or unreasonable impediments to the deployment of Amateur Radio emergency and disaster relief communications, and by making recommendations for relief of such unreasonable restrictions so as to expand the uses of Amateur Radio communications in Homeland Security planning and response." The bill has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

The bill currently has five co-sponsors: Madeleine Bordallo (Guam), Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS). Representative Thompson serves as Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security. Representatives Jackson-Lee, Lofgren and Kilroy are members of that committee.

"We understand that Representative Jackson-Lee was very impressed with the radio amateurs she encountered on a visit to an Emergency Operations Center in Houston during Hurricane Ike last September," said ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ. "We are grateful to her and to the five original co-sponsors for their support of Amateur Radio and the encouragement that their bill offers."

ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, concurred: "We are excited to have Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee introduce HR 2160. It is extremely encouraging to have the support of a number of original co-sponsors -- including several members of the House Homeland Security Committee -- who recognize the importance of Amateur Radio's long history of public service. Once the text of the bill is available we will be asking ARRL members to seek co-sponsorship and support from their own representatives."

What H.R. 2160 Would Do

If enacted into law, H.R. 2160 - the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 - would instruct the Secretary of Homeland Security to undertake a study, and report its findings to Congress within 180 days, on the uses and capabilities of Amateur
Radio communications in emergencies and disaster relief.

The study shall:

  • Include recommendations for enhancements in the voluntary deployment of Amateur Radio licensees in disaster and emergency communications and disaster relief efforts;
  • Include recommendations for improved integration of Amateur Radio operators in planning and in furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security initiatives;
  • Identify unreasonable or unnecessary impediments to enhanced Amateur Radio communications, such as the effects of private land use regulations on residential antenna installations, and make recommendations regarding such impediments;
  • Include an evaluation of section 207 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996)); and
  • Recommend whether section 207 should be modified to prevent unreasonable private land use restrictions that impair the ability of amateurs to conduct, or prepare to conduct, emergency communications by means of effective outdoor antennas and support structures at reasonable heights and dimensions for the purpose, in residential areas. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall utilize the expertise of the ARRL and shall seek information from private and public sectors for the study.

ARRL Legislative Positions for the 111th Congress

The following legislative positions were developed to guide the efforts of ARRL volunteers and staff during the 111th Congress of the United States (2009-2010).

The ability of the Amateur Radio Service to maintain and expand its benefits to the public rests on two key elements of public policy: adequate access to the radio spectrum and the ability to install and operate effective Amateur Radio stations.

Frequencies allocated to the Amateur Radio Service are the technological equivalent of a "national park," where all may enjoy a natural resource for the purpose of experimentation, education and voluntary emergency communications, provided they demonstrate, through testing, that they are responsible users.  Like allocations to other radiocommunication services, the allocations to the Amateur Radio Service offer protection against interference from other services as well as from unlicensed emitters.

The ARRL supports measures that preserve and protect access to existing Amateur Radio Service and Amateur Satellite Service frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all properly licensed individuals, and protect against interference from unlicensed emitters.

An Amateur Radio station is only as effective as its antenna. Increasingly pervasive private land use regulations (covenants, conditions and restrictions) limit radio amateurs' housing choices to such an extent that in many parts of the country it is not possible to install an effective Amateur Radio antenna in a residential area. The ARRL supports the right of federally licensed radio amateurs to be able to install reasonable antennas on their own homes.

To implement these two key elements of public policy in the 111th Congress and to serve the public interest, the ARRL has adopted the following legislative objectives.

Objective #1: The ARRL seeks legislation to extend the requirement for "reasonable accommodation" of Amateur Radio station antennas (a requirement that now applies to state and local regulations) to all forms of land use regulation.

This could be achieved by amending Section 207 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to add the phrase, "...or that preclude or otherwise do not reasonably accommodate communications by stations federally licensed in the Amateur Radio Service."

BACKGROUND: In 1985 the FCC established a limited preemption policy that fairly balanced the federal interest in protecting and enhancing Amateur Radio emergency and public service communications and the state/local interest in exercising jurisdiction over land use policy. This limited preemption policy is set out in §97.15(b) of the Commission's Rules:

Except as otherwise provided herein, a station antenna structure may be erected at heights and dimensions sufficient to accommodate amateur service communications. [State and local regulation of a station antenna structure must not preclude amateur service communications. Rather, it must reasonably accommodate such communications and must constitute the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the state or local authority's legitimate purpose. See PRB-1, 101 FCC 2d 952 (1985) for details.]

This policy has worked well for more than 20 years and has withstood judicial review. It has encouraged reasonable accommodation of Amateur Radio antenna systems in residential areas by municipal land use authorities and in numerous cases has avoided unnecessary litigation. However, the FCC has declined to extend the policy to private land use regulations in the absence of a Congressional mandate.

The federal interest in protecting and enhancing Amateur Radio emergency and public service communications and in promoting the Amateur Radio Service generally as a benefit to the public is the same in areas that are subject to covenants, conditions and restrictions as in areas subject only to state and municipal land use regulation.

Accordingly, the ARRL seeks from Congress an instruction to the FCC to apply its longstanding preemption policy to all types of land use regulations, consistently and without discrimination.

Objective #2: The ARRL  opposes legislation that encourages the deployment  of RF technologies such as broadband over power line (BPL) systems unless adequate safeguards against interference to  licensed radiocommunication services are included in the legislation.

BACKGROUND: The ARRL has more than five years of experience dealing with interference resulting from BPL. While BPL has failed to gain a significant toehold as a consumer broadband delivery mechanism, its proponents are now touting BPL as part of the "smart grid" to improve the efficiency of the nation's electric power grid. The ARRL does not oppose this application of BPL technology as long as adequate steps to prevent radio interference are mandated. The mistakes made with BPL must not be repeated with other RF-generating technologies.

Objective #3: The ARRL opposes legislation that would diminish the rights of federal licensees in favor of unlicensed emitters, especially unintentional emitters.

BACKGROUND:  In adopting its BPL rules the FCC  took an unprecedented step in creating a "safe harbor" in which unlicensed, unintentional emitters are permitted to interfere with licensed radiocommunication services and are not required to correct the interference. By doing so, the FCC has diminished the rights of its licensees and has devalued the radio spectrum. The FCC's authority to enact such a permissive regulation is questionable at best. Therefore, the ARRL must be vigilant against any legislative efforts to legitimize this action after the fact.

Objective #4: The ARRL seeks recognition of the unique resources, capabilities, and expertise of the Amateur Radio Service in any legislation addressing communications issues related to emergencies, disasters, or homeland security.

BACKGROUND: The Amateur Radio Service is the only widely deployed communications system that requires no infrastructure in order to communicate across great distances. Radio amateurs possess the skills and the equipment to bridge the communication gaps that inevitably develop when normal communications networks are destroyed, disrupted or overloaded.

Public Law 109-295, Sec. 671(b), Title XVIII, Sec. 1805(c) includes amateur radio operators among the communications providers with which Regional Emergency Communications Coordination (RECC) Working Groups are to coordinate in the course of their duties. As additional legislation is introduced and considered to address the need for robust, sustainable and interoperable voice and data communications networks to be available during and after natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other manmade disasters, Congress should recognize the capabilities of the Amateur Radio Service and should mandate that representatives of Amateur Radio emergency response organizations be included in planning and coordination groups at all levels of government.

Objective #5: The ARRL supports the complementary legislative objectives of other radiocommunication services, particularly the public safety and scientific services that require spectrum access and protection from interference for noncommercial purposes that benefit the public.

BACKGROUND: The Amateur Radio Service is among the radiocommunication services that use the radio spectrum in ways that benefit the public and that do not provide a revenue stream. Public policy must continue to support and encourage such uses. Spectrum policy must not subordinate these services to commercial services simply because the commercial users can afford to pay for spectrum access.

"What this means" (everything in red) written by MOI (that's "la French" for me) after extensive research this evening. All the other parts written by  I found this on digg and "dugg" further.  I thought you needed to know...

How Credit Cards Are Getting Meaner
What's going on inside the minds of credit card companies now that the CARD credit card reform act is coming down the pike? A customer service supervisor for a major credit card company emailed us to give us the low-down: reduced grace periods, cutting credit lines, increased fees on balance transfers, and, of course, jacked up APRs. Here's the details:
If you have a 25 or 28 day grace period, banks are going to reduce their grace period to the new minimum, 21 days.
What this means:
Completely depends on what kind you have.
Typical cards charge the interest immediately.  This is called AVERAGE DAILY BALANCE
Some cards offer FULL grace -- which means the average daily balance excludes new purchases for that month.
If you have that -- it's a pretty good deal -- EXCEPT -- with the new terms, this means:
Double the payments...
Since your grace period each month gives you so much time before you get charged interest on a purchase, you'll have fewer days to pay off something before the interest begins accruing.  That means, you'll likely have to pay your card TWICE a month to keep that from happening (assuming you've made new purchases) because once a month billing will DEFINITELY allow for interest to be accrued on a new purchase made that month. 
For instance -- You buy gas on your card on the 1st of July.  Your bill is due on July 30th.  You get the statement on the 20th.  You have to get that gas paid for before the 21st.  If not, it will be charged interest.
Credit card companies are reviewing accounts for debt-to-income ratio, and lowering credit lines. "Lets say you owe 40k in debt, and your last reported household income is 50k. Well, if you already owe 40k, and you only make 50k, how are you ever going to pay that back? So the bank is dropping the line because they don't feel they'll ever get repaid if they give it to you. You cant default on another 10k if they don't let you have it in the first place."
What this means:
If the credit card company lowers your limit, they are required to send you a notice.  However, most of these notices look like typical credit card junk mail.  Nearly all of the people receiving these are complaining that they did not know because they thought it was junk and they threw it away.  But that's not the BIGGEST problem....
If they lower your limit and you were already close to your max, you could be charged an OVER THE LIMIT FEE.  You will continue to be charged this until you bring your balance under your new limit, and all this will negatively affect your credit report.  Some people are reporting credit limit decreases of up to 90%!!!  Seems like the average complaints I could find were 75%! That's a lot! They're calling this Risk Management.  I call it down-right swindling.
So why are they doing this right now??? They're panicking.  The new CARD act will not allow them to do such things.

Expect the fee for transferring balance from one credit card to another to increase to 5% from 3%
What this means:
Well, what's the FIRST thing you would do if your card limits had been lowered, your APR went up because you were over the limit, and you have a GAZILLION and one over-the-limit fees??? You'd want to transfer your balance to a new card company -- get rid of the old shark (assuming you didn't have the cash to pay off the card -- and if you did, then why did you have the card in the first place?)
So... card companies are banking on this.  They're calling this risk management, too.  But in reality, they see a way they can take more money from you.
This is part of the CARD act, and will actually help some people pay off their loans quicker.
What this means:
Well, in my opinion, this is good and bad.  Good because you'll get your card paid off sooner.  Bad because, if you're already overextended, this is going to hit you hard.  The new Act enables companies -- and is actually pushing them -- to DOUBLE the minimum payment.  The average now is about 2%, but will likely go up to 4%.  Some companies are already doing this, and others are following slowly.  It's only a matter of time before all these card companies will be requiring a 4% minimum rather than 2%. 
The government, however, doesn't see it that way -- and they never will.  What they see is the "good".  The Good is -- if you're currently making 2% payments, then you're just barely paying enough to cover the interest.  You're not making very much headway.  So, they are doing this to "HELP" Americans get out of debt faster.
Specifically -- the new terms say that the minimum payment must be enough to cover interest and enough of the principal so that if you didn't charge anything else, then you could pay it off in 10 to 12 years.
What can you do??? First -- think twice about putting purchases on that credit card.  Second -- go through your budget with a fine-toothed comb.  You know it's going to happen, start trying to get up to the amount that it WILL eventually be.  Third -- Call your credit card company.  Ask them what they're intentions are on raising the minimum.  Ask them to give you an estimate on when this may happen.  Fourth -- BE PREPARED!!!!
"This is the big one. All the big issuers are raising rates. The new laws don't take effect until February 2010, so the banks are getting in all the rate increases they can. The new law limits when an APR can be changed, and requires it goes back down after 6 months of on time payments. So the banks are putting their rate hikes in now, so your new 'regular' rate, is the old 'default' rate. It used to be you had a rate of around 9%, and if you were late you went up to 20%. Most people reading this probably have had their rate increased to somewhere around 20% now."
What this means:
Believe it! Certain companies are already going overboard with this one.  Bank of America is one - with customers already complaining that their APR's have increased from 9% to 27% with no defaults, no late payments, no over-the-limits, no nothing.  Once again, they're calling it Risk Management, but they're really doing it JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Once again... credit card companies are panicking.  And since they will be regulated like crazy come February, they are doing what they can now to TAKE MONEY FROM YOU!!!
Your best move is to NOT PANIC -- don't be like them.  First, find a good company that you can transfer that balance to regardless of the fee increase (assuming you don't have the available cash to pay it off).  Those fees will be little compared to accrued interest on an APR increase. 
The next step is to report your unhappiness to the following authorities:
Federal Trade Commission -
Federal Deposit Insurance Commission (FDIC) -
Federal Reserve -
Senate Banking Committee -
House Financial Services Committee -
State Attorney General -

Hope this helps you prepare.  It's already started... Just wanted you all to be aware of what we're facing.
~ Robin
Thanks Robin for the info !!!
This weekend ARRL VE test, Sevier County Rescue Squad
1171 Dolly Parton Parkway,   Sevierville TN
TECH - GENERAL & EXTRA Class, and ARECC Level 1
Door's open at 9:30 AM  Test begins at 10:00 AM
Bring a copy of your FCC License to send in with your test and all paperwork that is required by the FCC and ARRL..a photo ID is required for Tech....We will have some free material to give out, and the person with the top score will recieve a special gift..
Thanks to all those who have helped support our testing,Sevier County Rescue Squad, TenTec, 470 ARG, Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,Yeasu, Icom, Ham Radio Outlet,Sevier County EOC and EMA, and of course the ARRL...along with several others who wished not to be mentioned at this time...
Also, August 1st there will be a Tech Class at the EOC / 911 Building at 245 Bruce Street in Sevierville , Please enter from the rear of the building there will be signs on the rear parking lot of how to enter... this is a secure facility, the class will be in the Operations Room, no noise and lots of interactive traing on Tech License, covering the FCC rules, Q& A, and some electronic formula's you might see on the test, , class starts at 10:00 am. to 12:00 pm , 1 hour lunch, 1:00pm to 4:00pm more of classroom instruction, the test will be at 4:00pm, note, anyone wishing to take a test for any class is welcome, there will be free material given out also at this session, a photo ID is required, as I stated this is a interactive classroom instruction, not a sit and read all day, we have had great success with this program and it has been approved by the ARRL VEC.. if you know someone interested please let them know and  you can get the Q&A Pool from
along with the FCC Rules... Hope to see you there !!! Please note as per any test session we have if no one shows by 15 after the hour we will not have the test or class, if you are coming we would apprectiate you e mailing at n4jtq@live .com and let me know or call at 865-429-2422, if no answer please leave on machine, of course walk in's are very welcome, but please be at the test  or class session by 9:45 to fill out paperwork, our test begin at 10:00 am... hope to see you there...
Intersted in a wood call sign for your shack, street # let me know I have started  back in to making these again, and really found that there is more of a demand now than prior,, they start at 12:00 and go as high as 20.00 depending on if you want basic or enhanced stained and gloss finish, Standard wood or burnt effect with letters and numbers engraved in the wood, great for any shack or home....shipping extra.........

From our friend John  ,Mr Toad  ...... Please take the time to give him a call and talk about his great service.....

Mr. Toad's PCs (Robin's working on my website) has some used computers in stock and ready to go.  I have a Dell rig that would made a good Hamradio Deluxe machine.  It has a 2.6 Pentium 4 with USB and a serial com port for connecting to radios. This lightly used machine comes with everything it did new including Windows XP disks, CRT monitor, keyboard/mouse, manual, disks, modem, Ethernet, and I did a fresh install of XP.  I will install HRD, FLdigi, Echolink, or any other free software.  This is a very quite PC and they are known for their reliability.  I am asking $300 or will trade for ham radio equipment especially a 220 mobile. 
I also have a very nice Mr. Toad brewed machine with AMD dual core 4000+ Athlon X2.  Another used machine is in a large case that will hold many drives and make a great server.  Mr. Toad also builds new machines from the very economical to high end graphics and gaming.  Vista installs now qualify for free upgrade  ( I think you have to pay about $9 shipping) to Windows 7.  I love Win 7.  I am running it on my main machine now.  The release candidate is running very stable.  I sell machines without operating systems and install the free Win7 RC.  Win7RC will run through March 2009, but then you will need buy a copy of the OS.  Win 7 will be released Oct 22.  Rather have Linux?  No problem.  I can also still get copies of XP Home and XP Professional.  I do downgrades from Vista to XP.  This can be done on almost all PCs. 
Here are some of the things I do:
Virus / Spyware removal
Data backup and restore
Replace hard drive and transfer data
Install second sound card and serial card for HRD
Operating System install / refresh
Repair laptops and netbooks
Custom build PCs
Home networking / wireless networking
Security tests and other diagnostics
Video editings
Video transfers from VHS and Super VHS, 8MM tape and film, Hi8 and miniDV to DVD
Audio restoration from 78, 45, 33 1/3 records, cassette, reel to reel to digital mp3.
Installation and setup of Desktop computes, routers, modems, VoIP phone systems and more
I know that a lot of people have someone in the family or an acquaintance that can do the same thing I do.  But I am here for those that do not have anyone else.
If you know anyone interested in a machine or any of my services, please keep me in mind and pass the word.
Steven John the nerdy KU4ME
865-992-TOAD  Maynardville
865-226-9HAM  Knoxville line
865-225-6282    Knoxville line
The 470 has developed into a source for information, fun ,photo contest, HF contesting under W4H special event station, listed in the ARRL Net Directory, helping during emergencies, and weather nets, helping new hams and old hams alike, it has grown to be known in many states, and its all do to all those who support the repeater, the net and use and monitor the 145.470....also the website has the new letter is shown everyweek on it and plus anything that also needs to be sent out during the week, which Moe, Tim and Robin are the webmasters for the 470 site, Now the 470 also is a member of the Presidentual Volunteer Service Award, I have done a lot of checking but at this point we are the first to be able to give out a presidental award as a ham radio net, also at this point we have 3 nominated for the award, check it out at the PVSA website !!!....
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone !!! 

Well thats about it for this week, hope that everyone  can make the net Thursday at 7:30 pm which I will be net control this week and Danny will of course do Trivia ... I was going to send a photo of Honey Bee but file was to large , will shrink and send at a later time.....
I would also like to invite you to our Monday niight SCERS Net at 7:30 pm , you do not have to be affiliated with SCERS to participate,, on the 146.940 repeater of Tim Berry with a backup of the 145.470 in case the 94 is down....District 6 Skywarn is on the 146.730, Bill  W1RFA is the net control for Skywarn, Our 443.225 is also open for any emergency operations, if you have any questions on the use of this repeater please feel free to contact me...
Rick And Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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