Friday, July 31, 2009

A Few Updates On Some Item's Recieved 470 ARG

As I am sure you already know, I have been (impatiently) waiting for the new .94 antenna to arrive. I made a phone call this morning to the manufacturer and found out it should ship by the end of this week. Now, I am not "holding my breath," as I have already heard this once before. The antenna has been tested on an actual test range, similar to the way radio and TV broadcast antennas are tested. I do appreciate that, as most land mobile antennas are built en masse, and probably don't get tested individually.  I just wish the process would speed up!
Now, on a separate note, I need to pass along a request to those of you who read the blog, and hopefully it will get out to others as well. I am very aware that someone has been interfering with one or more of my repeaters.  It tends to happen when people are on the air and enjoying a normal QSO. I want to ask those of you who may be involved in a QSO when this deliberate QRM'ing starts to do a couple of things:
1)     DO NOT MENTION IT ON THE AIR.  DON'T acknowledge that the person is causing interference. If you can still hear the person whom you are in QSO with, then PLEASE carry on the conversation as though nothing is happening. I know that it is likely that you will not be able to hear the person you are chatting with, depending on how successful the jammer is in his efforts. In that case, either sign off, or move to another repeater…and make it one that you may have previously agreed to…because if you mention which machine you plan on switching to, the jammers will simply follow you.
2)     LISTEN ON THE REPEATER INPUT to see if you hear the interfering signal at your location. Let me or someone else know if you do hear the signal and how strong it is at your location.  If you have the means to determine which direction it is coming from, that would be especially helpful.
Once we determine where the offending signal is coming from, I can ASSURE  you that the offending person or persons will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If they are a licensed amateur, they will be banned from ALL of my repeaters.  And yes, that is enforceable. However, in the meantime, the more we acknowledge them, directly or indirectly, the more we feed their "jollies," and they will continue to cause interference.  I know its hard not to do so, but PLEASE do not engage them in any way. If you have to, sign off, or move to another frequency. It's better to do this than to engage in a "whizzing contest" with them on the air.
I'm sorry to have to devote a blog entry to this, but the problem is growing, and it is only going to get worse if we don't stop letting these people know that they are getting to us.
As soon as I have more information on the .94 antenna, I will post it here. I am also working on some other good things for 146.73 and 53.15. Stay tuned!!
73 de Tim WB4GBI
Tim Berry WB4GBI  (check out my website at
The Red Planet
Subject: The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!
 Something to look forward to this summer is .... Mars
 The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!
 This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history.  The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.  Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can be certain only that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.
 The encounter will culminate on 27th August when Mars comes to within
 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide at a modest 75-power magnification.
 Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye!
 Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m.
 That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history.. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow  progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month.
 Share this with your children and grandchildren.

Allan H. Kaplan, W1AEL.

Call for Citizens to Look for Suspicious Activity
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 07:05 AM PDT

Coinciding with Attorney General Eric Holder telling ABC News this week that "the American people would be surprised by the depth of the [homegrown terrorist] threat" while discussing his growing concern about Americans becoming radicalized and turning to terrorism, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Council on Foreign Relations that it is incumbent that citizens pay attention to their surroundings for anything suspicious and out of place, and to report it to proper authorities. It might just prevent a domestic terrorist attack, she said.
"With respect to individuals and the private sector, we're taking a much closer look at how we can support and inform our greatest asset, individual citizens, and with them the private sector. You are the ones who know if something is not right in your communities, such as a suspicious package or unusual activity," Napolitano said.
What To Do If You Spot Suspicious Terrorist Activity
If you see suspicious behavior, do not confront the individuals involved.
Take note of the details:
S – Size (Jot down the number of people, gender, ages, and physical descriptions)
A – Activity (Describe exactly what they are doing)
L – Location (Provide exact location)
U – Uniform (Describe what they are wearing, including shoes)
T – Time (Provide date, time, and duration of activity)
E - Equipment (Describe vehicle, make, color etc., license plate, camera, guns, etc)
Suspicious activity is often recalled after an event. We must train ourselves to be on the lookout for things that are out of the ordinary and arouse suspicions.
Read more on how to spot suspicious activity and what to do.
Napolitano said "three years ago, it was an attentive store clerk who told authorities about men trying to duplicate extremist DVDs. This led federal agents to eventually round up a plot to kill American soldiers at the Fort Dix army base here in New Jersey."
And "just last month, a passenger saw two employees exchange a bag at the Philadelphia airport that had not been properly screened. That passenger's vigilance ultimately stopped a gun from getting onto the plane."
"For too long, we've treated the public as a liability to be protected rather than an asset in our nation's collective security," Napolitano confessed.
"There's actually an important role we can play in educating even our very young about watching for, and knowing what to do, if you're in an airport and you see a package left with no one around," Napolitano said.
From  The NTAS
The New Fighter Planes and Who's Better ? From our net last night..
The Old Sow !!!
July 30th 2009  Update to the 470ARG
Thanks to all who joined the net last night , we had 61 checkin's including those who e mailed in.... I really appreciate everyone taking the time to stop by and say hi and join the discussion and Trivia , A special thanks to Danny and Russell !!!
73 Rick Sr
Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940, 443.225
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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