Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The 470 News Letter 10/21/09

Hello all, hope everyone is keeping warm !!  Had a total of 57 Check In's Last week, and a special thanks to Danny for running the net while I was at our AERS and SCERS meeting.. There wouldn't be a Net on the 3rd Thursday of the month if it wasn't for him, thanks again  Danny ....
Well lets get started .................

Wet Snow Can be A Problem,...
Snow that falls very early is usually wet and sticky, readily clinging to tree branches. The situation is compounded because the still fully foliated trees collect much more snow than they would otherwise. This adds a huge amount of extra weight that becomes much too heavy for the tree to support. First, weaker branches break away, then sturdier limbs rip from the main trunk. For some trees, the root structure is not terribly strong and those usually topple pretty quickly.

Wet snow is very heavy because of its high water content. An average shovelful of wet snow easily weighs over 20 pounds. The accumulation of wet snow on trees can make the branches more than 20 times their own weight. Under that much stress, the structure can fail and branches break away from the rest of the tree. The falling limbs are more than heavy enough to bring down power lines.

From The NTAS....

Think upgrading your new Vista PC to Windows 7 will be a breeze? Think again.
By Jared Newman
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 06:06 AM PDT

If you bought a Windows Vista-based PC in the last four months, and you're now eagerly awaiting the launch of Windows 7, consider restraining your excitement. While many major computer manufacturers have promised free upgrades from Windows Vista to Windows 7 for anyone who bought a PC after June 26, 2009, what you don't pay in hard cash could still cost you in headaches.

I'm not just talking about the upgrade process itself, which can be exhausting. Glancing through the upgrade information pages for participating manufacturers, several red flags went up. Here are some things to watch out for when it's time to claim your Windows 7 Upgrade Option:

1. Getting the Upgrade Could Take a While

When Microsoft offered free XP-to-Vista upgrades two years ago, getting the disc became a nightmare for some customers. We've now seen the first foul-up for Windows 7, with Toshiba telling customers that its upgrades won't go out until December, according to Bright Side of News. (Toshiba previously said the upgrade would ship within 60 days of October 22.)

For other manufacturers, you'll need a couple weeks of patience, or maybe more. To leave the actual ship date open-ended, Hewlett-Packard and Dell say that upgrades will begin shipping after October 22, though Lenovo says upgrades will ship one to two weeks from your request. Acer says "shipments will begin in increments. All orders will be handled on a first-in, first-out basis." So if you bought a computer last week, you could be at the end of a long line.

A word of advice: If you can, order the free upgrade now. Most manufacturers--Sony being the major exception-- are already allowing requests. Microsoft has a list of participating computer makers.

2. System Recovery Issues Abound

Say your HP computer experiences a hardware failure and needs repair under warranty. HP restores the computer to its factory settings, which means you'll be reunited with Windows Vista. No problem, as long as you've got a nice chunk of time to upgrade back to Windows 7.

Recovery issues aren't limited to HP. Softpedia reported that Windows 7 upgrades could kill the recovery applications that manufacturers include with their computers, though to be fair, people who purchase Windows Vista will deal with this as well.

3. You Need a DVD Drive to Install

This applies to anyone who upgrades to Windows 7, but as the optical drive becomes unnecessary for some users, I see trouble for recent computer buyers who skipped the DVD drive in their rigs. In particular, I'm thinking of Dell's Studio 14z and Acer's Timeline 3810T, which both ditched the optical drive for slimmer, lighter frames. Owners of those notebooks will have to buy an external DVD drive or borrow one from a friend to install the upgrade.

4. HP Hates Your Browser, Unless It's IE

Here's a minor nuisance for HP computer owners who've dropped Internet Explorer like a bag of dirt: IE is required to visit HP's Windows 7 upgrade order page. That's because the world's biggest computer manufacturer uses a Web program to validate your computer, and it only works in IE. If for some reason you don't have Microsoft's browser, you're told to contact Arvato, the third party that's handling HP's upgrades. Only one problem: the contact page isn't viewable in any other browsers, either.

5. Hope You Kept Your Receipt

Not all manufacturers are allowing upgrades without a proof of purchase. I'd say only a fool tosses his or her receipt for a computer, but, come to think of it, where is that receipt for the notebook I bought a few months ago? HP and Toshiba explicitly state that a proof of purchase, not just a serial code, is required.

6. Free, or "Free?"

When all is said and done, you might still have to open your wallet, due to shipping and handling charges and taxes. Lenovo charges $17.03 for U.S. customers, while Compaq, HP, Sony, and Toshiba charge some users, but not others, according to watchdog Edgar Dworsky of and Acer, Asus, Del,l and Gateway don't charge U.S. customers for the upgrade, unless you believe that time is money.

Reference a similar story from :

Some Great Links About Midway !

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Interesting  Course ?  Yes you get a certificate !!  But teaches you some interesting facts !!

Check Out Our Website For More Great Topics and News !!

Here is the Test & Class Sessions For The Next Year, Please note that there may be changes do to circumstances beyond our control so please check the ARRL website  and check our website for updates or changes that maybe made, also you can contact me at the phone # below or e mail at 
SCRS = Sevier County Rescue Squad, 1171 Dolly Parton Parkway Sevierville TN
EOC = 911 Building at 245 Bruce St, Sevierville TN
Most Dates Are On Saturday

10-24-09 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
11-07-09 ARRL Class and Test TECH  Only EOC  10:00 AM
11-28-09 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
12-19-09 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
01-23-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
02-27-10 Skywarn Class Free SCRS  10:00 AM
03-06-10 ARECC ARRL Level 1 Class and Test EOC  9:00 AM
03-27-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
04-03-10 ARRL Class and Test TECH ONLY  EOC 10:00 AM
04-24-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
05-22-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
06-19-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
07-17-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
08-07-10 ARECC ARRL Level 1 Class and Test EOC  9:00 AM
08-28-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
09-04-10 ARRL Class and Test TECH ONLY EOC  10:00 AM
10-23-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
11-20-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
12-18-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
Again these are the dates that have been submitted for the ARRL Website, there maybe changes that cannot be seen by the serving agencies that will require change , please keep checking the 470 Website or ARRL Website for changes, when in question please feel free to call me to confirm ~  865-429-2422 or e mail at 
Special Classes or Tests may be given with out notice, groups welcome, walk in's welcome, but would like to know if you wish to attend !!

NET TOMORROW NIGHT 7:30 PM  145.470  Come Join Us !!!

Amateur' s Helping In Gov Drills !!

Early Amateur Radio Logs Needed!!...........

ARRL & Fed  Campaign..
ARRL to Participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (Oct 21, 2009) -- For the eighth year running, the US Office of Personnel Management has designated the ARRL to participate in the 2009 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). In the past, this campaign for federal government civilian employees, US Postal Service workers and members of the military has generated more than $160,000 for ARRL programs since it first became an option for giving by federal employees to the League. The CFC provides an easy way to support ARRL's effort to represent its members and all radio amateurs. Similar to the United Way, the CFC encourages individuals to pledge by payroll deduction to non-profit organizations of their choice. The ARRL encourages eligible radio amateurs to consider the League when designating campaign recipients. Payroll deduction through the CFC is an easy way for participants to support ARRL over and above their annual membership. Such contributions support programs that are not funded by member dues, enriching ARRL's ability to serve its members and all of Amateur Radio. Those wishing to select the ARRL to receive all or part of their payroll deductions should designate organization 10099 when completing their CFC donor forms. Donations to ARRL can be designated for Diamond Club contributions, the ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund or the ARRL Education & Technology Program. Donors may also make unrestricted contributions to the League. One important note: Since the CFC does not provide the ARRL with the names of individual donors, the ARRL Development Office would appreciate a copy of the donor form to ensure that each contribution is applied according to the donor's wishes and the contribution or pledge can be properly acknowledged. The 2009 CFC ends December 15.

ARRL General Counsel, Regulatory Information Manager to Present Webinar (Oct 20, 2009) -- ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson N1ND, will present a webinar beginning at 9 PM EDT on Wednesday, October 28. This session will discuss the issues behind, and the reasoning for, the ARRL's recent report, The Commercialization of Amateur Radio: The Rules, The Risks, The Issues. According to webinar sponsor ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR, all amateurs need to be aware of these issues. The webinar, available at no cost, is open to all amateurs. Please click here to register for this informative interactive Internet meeting.
Link to this item

Well thats it for this week some interesting item's that I hope you all may like ,
God Bless
Talk To you On The Net !!
Rick Sr.

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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