Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The 470ARG News Letter 8-26-09

Hello everyone and hope that all is well, KF4LIA is home and doing well, and thanks everyone for all the prayers.

Hope that Russell will be on the net this week....Well lets get started , I have been following the job market , NONE  and found this artricle that I wanted to post...

Treat Your Job Search Like a Marathon

Published: 6/12/09, 2:17 PM EDT
In this recession, you may be surprised how long it's taking to find a job, especially if previous searches have gone fairly quickly.

Unfortunately, as the unemployment rate continues to climb, more people are looking for work and the competition only gets tougher. Need advice for making it through a long job search? Take the same approach you would if you were running a marathon. Here are some ways in which the two activities are similar and tips you can use to land a new position:

You have to be patient
If you expect to spend just a few weeks training for a marathon, you'll be in for a rude awakening the day of the race. Competitors often spend months preparing. When it comes to the job search, the same holds true: You must have a realistic expectation of the time involved. Steeling yourself for an extended search can help you ward off frustration and lead to a pleasant surprise if you reach your goal sooner than expected.

You must put in the effort
Training for a marathon means waking up early to train, watching what you eat and enduring countless practice sessions. Finding a job takes a lot of work, too, from scouring the Internet for open positions to creating targeted application materials to networking with others in your field. That's why it's good to have a system in place. Set aside time each day to focus on your search and stick to your routine. For example, you may spend two hours each morning scanning online job boards for leads and the same amount of time in the afternoon reaching out to members of your network and establishing new contacts.

You don't have to go it alone
Some runners train on their own, but many form groups to help keep them motivated and on track. Looking for work doesn't have to be a private pursuit either. Reach out to friends, family and former colleagues to let them know you're on the job hunt; they may be able to provide you with job leads or referrals. In-person contact is important when networking; instead of relying solely on e-mail or Web sites such as LinkedIn, talk to people on the phone, take them to lunch or meet up with them in the evening.

Explore those avenues that allow you to network with others who are searching for employment. For example, you might consider joining a job-search club or attending a "pink-slip party," during which recently laid-off professionals connect with companies that are hiring and recruiting firms. In addition to expanding your base of contacts, you can share success strategies with others in your same situation.

You should set goals
Properly training for a marathon requires you to set regular goals for improving your speed and endurance. You also should set goals during your job hunt. For instance, you may seek to add one new contact to your network each week or complete a training course in a new software application within six months. Having an objective to work toward will help you stay focused and ensure you continue to move forward, improving your chances of finding a job. After reaching your target, treat yourself to a small reward -- like dinner out -- to keep motivation high.

You need the right gear
Wearing the proper shoes and clothing can make the difference in avoiding injuries and being comfortable while training for and running in a marathon. Your job hunt "gear" is your application materials. Your résumé and cover letter should be targeted to each opening you respond to. Ideally, they should also include keywords from the job posting. Many employers use software to search applications for these terms in order to determine which candidates should continue in the hiring process. And make sure your documents are in top-notch shape by carefully proofreading them before submission. Eighty-four percent of executives Robert Half polled said it takes just one or two typographical errors in a résumé to remove a candidate from consideration for a job opening.

Training for a marathon and looking for a job can both take a long time and require a tremendous amount of effort. But keep in mind the feeling you get when you cross the finish line or are offered a job you want; it's clear then that all the hard work has been worth it.

Robert Half International Inc. is the world's first and largest specialized staffing firm with a global network of more than 360 offices worldwide. For more information about our professional services, please visit
What Is Poverty?
Homeland Security and License Plates...
N1H1 A Threat To US..
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For The Rocker !!
Coal Fire Mines..
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Amateur Radio Station Defined..
Amateur Radio Repeater...
Ouick Key..
It's a time when a person dosn't give the repeater time to drop, a time when a person key's up directly after another station stops transmitting, with out giving that 3 second pause for the repeater to drop out, and give a possible mobile or fixed station a chance to come in for a transmission..or a station with a emergency to be able to transmit, a person should put thierself in that position who quick keys and know what it feels like to not be able to get a chance to talk... Over the last few months I have been busy but have been listening in on the 470, it happens a lot, their are some who do it more than others, there are some who have been told  about it, and yet still continue even after  being told, DAH .. BIG RED TRUCK  yes I am being a butt head, but there is a lot of folks who just need to stop, take three seconds , and then talk, we get excited and want to give our comments, but please take a moment to let emergency traffic have a chance if there is some !!!!! oh yes for those who think this is from me completly, not so, this is also from the repeater owner, a time out timer was placed on the 470 so that long drawn out TX would not happen, lets not make him spend more to fix the quick key, we all have time to listen and make our comments, and have fun... Lets talk about causing interference, childish, stupid and against the FCC Rules, there seems to be a problem between some folks, and not only on 2 meter's, then 440, but now on 220 mhz also, whats great is those who create this interference, you will get caught, in time everyone always does, and with the intensity of the interference now it won't be long, I know as will as others there are several, and a select few have found some signals on reverse.. Personally I wouldn't turn them in to the FCC, thats to easy, What I would  do is make a point of telling on the air who it is !! yes and if I do I will have the full proof needed, my opinion of course others may decide to do something else... Lets act like adults, if you have a problem with a person then don't put it on the air for everyone to hear it, it only makes you and the other person look like a idiot..these of course our my thoughts on the matter and talking with others they feel the same way..lets follow the rules and act like professional amateur radio operators, this is a great hobby, that I enjoy ... and hope that we all can get along and have fun...we have lost some good hams that worked 2 meters a lot because of some of the above actions, most have went to HF to get away from the terrible actions of a few... remember we have a previliage and the repeaters we use are the property, and the time  and money of those who also have a great love for amateur radio, please have respect for those repeater owners...and all others using the frequency....
Thank You
Our Next Test Session Will Be October 3 , which will be a TECH Class and Test, and one week after we will be giving a Level 1 ARECC Class and Test session, for more information please contact me at or 8654292422.. Regular session are posted on the ARRL website under test sessions for amateur and ARECC... Those testing for ARECC class session will require a Level 1  manual at the session..we are a certified VE team thru the ARRL , for more info..
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111-1494
P: 860-594-0300
F: 860-594-0339
Call Sign System..
Operater Class...
Communications and Operations...
TT Speech Pro...
TENTEC Hamfest !! Pre Registar For Prizes..
Ten-Tec Now on skype uersname tentecsales
Its that simple
Well hope to hear everyone on the net tommorrow if you have time....
Rick and Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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