Wednesday, July 1, 2009

470 ARG News Letter July 1,09

Top News.....
Jul 1-Jul 9, from 1300Z on July 1, and ending at -0300Z on the 9th of July, Sevierville, TN. 470 Amateur Radio Group, W4H. 1st Fourth of July "QSO Party" of the 470 ARG. 28.400 14.260 7.260 3.960. QSL. Rick Sawaya Sr, 2005 Spence Mountain Lp, Sevierville, TN 37876. Area operators will be participating using their own call signs.  Running 24 hours a day till the 15th .....
Check Out These Other Great Events..
Jul 1-Jul 5, 1300Z-0359Z, 13 East Coast States, US. Original 13 Colonies Group, K2A TO K2M. 13 Original Colonies Special Event. 14.213 21.313 7.213 3.613. Certificate. Ken Villone, KU2US, PO Box 185, Conesus, NY 14435. Certificate available for contacting all 13 colonies.
Jul 4, 1230Z-1900Z, Ashland, KY. River Cities Amateur Radio Association, K4S. Family Fun Time for All in Central Park. 14.240 7.140. Certificate. RCARA, PO Box 615, Ashland, KY 41105. or
Jul 4, 1600Z-2359Z, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV 41) Museum Radio Room, NI6IW. Commemorating Independence Day and two hundred and thirty-three years of freedom. SSB 14.320 7.250 CW 14.060 7.055 PSK-31 7.070-7.080 RTTY 14.080 7.080 2m/70cm SOCAL rep WIN. QSL. USS Midway (CV 41) Museum Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.
The National Terror Alert System ...
Questions you may have about our military any what they have ?
The US Navy Fact File  ...............
The US Army Fact File....................
The US Marine Fact File.............
US Air Force Fact Files.........................
ARRL Closed On
Ham Dies In Field Day Activities
This weeks a word on ....Integrity, something that a employee and I got into talking about and the meaning,

Integrity is consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcome. As a holistic concept, it judges the quality of a system in terms of its ability to achieve its own goals. A value system's abstraction depth and range of applicable interaction may also function as significant factors in identifying integrity due to their congruence or lack of congruence with empirical observation. A value system may evolve over time while retaining integrity if those who espouse the values account for and resolve inconsistencies.

Integrity may be seen as the quality of having a sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the motivations for one's actions. The term "hypocrisy" is used in contrast to integrity for asserting that one part of a value system demonstrably conflicts with another, and to demand that the parties holding apparently conflicting values account for the discrepancy or change their beliefs to improve internal consistency.

Integrity in relation to value systems

A value consists of an assumption from which one can extrapolate implementation or other values. A value system comprises a set of consistent values and measures. The Scientific Method assumes that a system with perfect integrity yields a singular extrapolation (a hypothesis) that one can test against observed results.

Testing theories via the Scientific Method

Formal measures of integrity rely on a set of testing principles known as the Scientific Method. To the extent that a proof follows the requirements of the method, scholars consider that proof scientific. The Scientific Method includes measures to ensure unbiased testing and a requirement that the hypothesis have falsifiability.

One tests the integrity of a value system scientifically by using the values, methods and measures of the system to formulate a hypothesis of an expected cause-and-effect relationship. When the effect predicted by a value system according to its methods and measures is observed by multiple unbiased testers, the value system is said to have integrity.

For example, Newtonian physics, general relativity and quantum mechanics are three distinct systems, each scientifically proven to have integrity according to their base assumptions and measures. None of them claim to be absolute truth. Scientific testing is not useful for identifying "absolute truth" because scientific tests assume principles, values, methods and measures outside of the scope of the test. Rather, the Scientific Method is used to proof the integrity of a value system and to establish its conclusions as consistent with the assumptions used, thereby enabling further extrapolation within that domain.

Integrity in ethics

Ethical meanings of integrity used in medicine and law refer to the wholeness of the human body with respect for "sacred" qualities such as a sense of unity, consistency, purity, unspoiledness and uncorruptedness.

In discussions on behavior and morality, one view of the property of integrity sees it as the virtue of basing actions on an internally-consistent framework of principles. This scenario may emphasize depth of principles and adherence of each level to the next.[citation needed] One can describe a person as having integrity to the extent that everything that that person does or believes: actions, methods, measures and principles — all derive from the same core group of values.

In the context of accountability, integrity measures consistency between one's actions and one's principles and methods used when an expected result appears incongruent with observed outcome. Some regard integrity as a virtue in that they see accountability and moral responsibility as necessary tools for maintaining such consistency.

In the context of value theory, integrity provides the expected causation from a base value[citation needed] to its extrapolated implementation or other values. A value system emerges as a set of values and measures that one can observe as consistent with expectations.[citation needed]

Some commentators[who?] stress the idea of integrity as personal honesty: acting according to one's beliefs and values at all times. Speaking about integrity can emphasize the "wholeness" or "intactness" of a moral stance or attitude. Some views of wholeness may also emphasize commitment and authenticity.

Subjective use of integrity

In popular culture, the word "integrity" is sometimes used in reference to an absolute morality rather than the assumptions of the value system in question. In an absolute context, the word "integrity" conveys no meaning between people with differing definitions of absolute morality. It becomes nothing more than a vague assertion of perceived political correctness or popularity, similar to using terms such as "good" or "ethical" in a moralistic context.

Integrity has also been used outside of its prescriptive meaning in reference to a person or group of people who have a general, subjective intent to deceive. In this context, one describes an approved person as "having integrity" while describing an enemy as "completely lacking in integrity." The irony of such a accusation is that, without providing measures of independent testing, the accusation itself is baseless and the integrity of the assertion may be called into question.

Integrity in modern ethics

In a formal study of the term "integrity" and its meaning in modern ethics, law professor Stephen L. Carter sees integrity not only as a refusal to engage in behavior that evades responsibility[citation needed]. He sees it also as an understanding of different modes or styles in which some discourse takes place, and that tries to discover some truth[citation needed].

Carter writes:

Integrity [...] requires three steps:  discerning what is right and what is wrong;  acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and  saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right from wrong.[...] Integrity [...] is not the same as honesty [...]


An adversarial process can have general integrity when both sides demonstrate willingness to share evidence, follow guidelines of debate and accept rulings from an arbitrator in a good-faith effort to arrive at either the truth or a mutually equitable outcome. An honorable presentation of the case measures both sides of the argument with a consistent set of principles. Failure to present principles in accordance with observation or to try them unequally can weaken a case.

Ethical integrity as measured by psychological/work-selection tests

Integrity (honesty) tests aim to identify prospective employees that may hide negative or derogatory events from their past (such as prison time, getting psychiatric treatment, alcohol problems, drugs abuse, etc.). Integrity tests make certain assumptions, namely that the persons with less integrity report more dishonest behaviour, they try to find reasons to justify such behaviour, they think others more likely to commit crimes (like theft, for example), they exhibit impulsive behaviour, and tend to think that society should severely punish deviant behaviour.

Pretension of such tests to detect fake answers plays a crucial role in detecting people with low integrity. Naive respondents believe the pretense and behave accordingly. They report past deviance, and thoughts about deviance of others because they fear untruthful answers would reveal low integrity. The more Pollyannaish the answers, the higher the integrity score.

Want to get really deep ... Plato ....Aristotle, who and what did they do ....
Ok back to some reality .. lol
Looking for a Vanity Call , this is the place to look ...
Now how to get that Vanity Call...
The Fourth Of July ......
Fireworks Saftety  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Be Careful if your shooting off fireworks, we really want you all around  !!!
From Our Own  AJ4JD  Tim...
Marine HF Rigs...Marine HF .....Frequencies and More....Nets....Boat Saftey......
Hurricane Season Is Here....
Bee Stings thanks Grady for this great information !! oh it does work   ! I Know...
This information may be something to remember It might be wise to carry a penny in your pocket while working in the
yard.......... BEE STINGS !
A couple of weeks ago, I was stung by both a bee and hornet while working in
the garden.
My arm swelled up, so I went to the doctor. The clinic gave me cream and an
antihistamine. The next day the swelling was getting progressively worse,
so I went to my regular doctor. The arm was Infected and needed an
antibiotic. The doctor told me - " The next time you get stung, put a penny
on the bite for 15 minutes".
That night, my niece was stung by two bees. I looked at the bite and it had
already started to swell. So, I taped a penny to her arm for 15 minutes.
The next morning, there was no sign of a bite.
We decided
that she just wasn't allergic to the sting.
Soon, I was gardening outside. I got stung again, twice by a hornet on my
left hand. I thought, here I go again to the doctor for another antibiotic.
I promptly got my money out and taped two pennies to my bites, then sat and
sulked for 15 minutes. The penny took the string out of the bite
In the meantime the hornets were attacking, and my friend was stung on the
thumb. Again the penny. The next morning I could only see the spot where
the hornet had stung me. No redness, no swelling. My friend's sting was the
same; couldn't even tell where she had been stung.
She got stung again a few days later upon her back---cutting the grass!
And the penny worked once again.
Wanted to share this marvelous information in case you experience the same
problem. We need to keep a stock of pennies on hand ..
The doctor said that the copper in the penny counteracts the bite.
It definitely works!
Also don't forget the 18th of July , all day tech class at the EOC ,245 Bruce Street, Sevierville TN,, starts at 10:00am to 4:00pm    Test is at 4:00pm photo ID required, cost 15.00  ,there will be free material on various items given out also..... get you own copy of ARE YOU READY !!!  If there is a no show the VE team will leave by 10:15 am......and  there will be NO TEST given at 4:00pm... we have a open door policy but if no one shows our VE staff will not be there, they have things to do also.. we welcome all clubs and orgs to learn about ham radio and all it can offer.... groups and any individual....get a copy of the Tech Pool from free along with the FCC Rules/Regs Part 97 the class will cover all tech questions, fcc rules and regs , and minor electronic formula's , this cleass is not just a memory type class, everyone is active !!! We only do Tech Tests,,, we don;t believe that the General and Extra exams can be properly covered in one day, this is the Sevier County ARRL VE team .... anyone can just read and pass , we want you to know what your doing when you get on the radio as new hams.... and if you have question come on up to the 470 ARG net on Thursday Night at 7:30 pm  on the 145.470....
July 25th at the Sevier County Rescue Squad Building , testing all classes, TECH,GENERAL Extra,,...... starts at 10:00am  to 12:00pm, please bring a copy of your fcc license to send with your test, if you don't there will be a delay and a 5.00 mailing fee on recieving your license... 1171 Dolly Parton Parkway, Sevierville TN ,next to TenTec
August 1, ther will be another test for TECH all day class,, please be there by 9:30... same rules apply as the test and class on the 18th....
We are still testing on the 443.225 but give it a try if you have time......
We we have covered some diffrent item's this week, no a lot in amateur but hope that you enjoyed some of the articles and information ........
Interested in ARES or the Sevier County Emergency Radio Service , then shoot me a e mail to 
Have a great 4th of July and a Safe One !!!! Hope you can make the net tommorrow....
Rick Sr and Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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