Wednesday, February 3, 2010

470 News Letter Feb 4,2010

We hello everyone , sorry for being late and no news letter last week but I have really been very busy, with several things, also have been doing some listening on several frequencies on several matters, in amateur and other things.
Last weeks net drew 80, super turn out, and the week before drew 68, thank everyone for there great loyalty to the 470 ARG net.
We will have a special treat this week , a new ham Josh will take the net and run with it along with Danny and Russell and Anthony, so everyone please welcome Josh as the NCO the next few weeks.....
There has been again some issues on the 47, I won't name any other repeaters but Ladies and Gentleman, the fast keying has to stop, we are all guilty so we need to show our professionalism again, also the slanderous remarks, and comments, the mic scratching, interference, or keying over someone, the sound toys , come on everyone , we all studied to get away from this type of activity from 11 meters and guess what, we have allowed it to happen on 2 meters, I am not trying to be the repeater police, only on our club repeater will I put a stop to it, that's because my name on on the coordination papers ! I sometimes think that we also forget that these repeaters belong to the repeater owners, and they are repsonsible for their operation, I just had to call Tim about someone on the 94 interfering .. I wonder what we would do if Tim and Kevin, Todd and Kieth didn't have the repeaters, and how would you feel if you where in their shoes, what would you do..? A really good ham asked me if I would do a old man a favor, and put the repeater lets say rules on the air and in the news letter, do I really need to do that, these repeaters are the repeater owners, paid for by them, controlled by them, when you are on a repeater its like being in that persons home, you wouldn't act like that in someones home would you, so if you did he would have the right to ask you to leave !! Yes you earned your license to talk on the frequency , but keep in mind the frequency belongs to everyone, but the repeater does belong to the owner, and yes he can ask you to leave, even ban you from the use of his or her repeater, and if you don't , well you will get a letter from the FCC to answer why you are violating a order from a repeater owner, which has every right to ask you not to be on the repeater !! And to those who interfere, don't try to talk with them it gives them more courage to continue , ignore them, go to another frequency, turn off your radio, BUT GET A SIGNAL READING ON REVERSE, that will help everyone to locate the problem !!
With That:


     The rules that govern our service require good amateur operating practices.  Without further analysis, this is a vague term.  Since more hams use FM voice than any other communications mode, and there are more than nine thousand 2 meter FM repeaters in the United States, it is not surprising to find that good operating practices, have, in fact, been defined. This is a listing of "Good Operating Procedures" that we should all strive to maintain;

A good operator uses plain English and avoids jargon

     FM repeater communication is essentially as clear as a telephone call.  In addition to avoiding needless repetition, a key to good communication on fm repeater contacts is the use of plain English.  There is no radio-ese.  There is no appropriate jargon.  Q-signals, pro signs and phonetics are not appropriate for fm operation except in the most unusual circumstances.  Those circumstances exist when your signal cannot otherwise be understood.  Normally, before a signal deteriorates to that point, communication becomes impossible. 

A good operator identifies correctly

     FCC rules require a station to identify every ten minutes and at the end of a QSO.  Repeating the other stations call sign and your call sign following every transmission is the mark of a poor operator.  Most of us are acquainted with each other.  We often recognize each-other's voices without any further identification being necessary and when we meet each other in person, we address each other by our names rather than our calls.

There is no place on the repeater for no-contact reports

     When you place a call on the repeater, and a station does not answer, it is appropriate to place the call again.  The listening station may well be far enough away from a microphone that it takes a while to respond.  Allow the station time to respond.  On hearing no response, it is appropriate to announce your call sign. That lets other people who may be waiting for you to finish your calling attempts to know that you are done and they may proceed.  All that is necessary is the repetition of your call sign one time.  Remember;  Broadcasting is illegal. 

When you want to talk to someone on a repeater...

     it is appropriate to announce your call sign followed by the word "listening" or "mobile" or "monitoring".    Anyone hearing this on the repeater frequency will know that you are willing to accept calls from any other station.  Nothing else is necessary. 

Wide-Area coverage...

     Repeaters exist for the purpose of expanding the range of mobile and hand-held transceivers.  Once a contact is made on a repeater, your QSO is open for anyone to join in - so remember to allow time between transmissions for others to do so.  If you wish to have a relatively more private conversation, it is appropriate to move to a simplex frequency - or at least, another lower profile repeater that all stations involved in your QSO can reach. 
   The appropriate amount of time to use a repeater can vary during the time of the day.  For example; During commute hours perhaps two or three minutes is all that should be used... while off-hours, or even "middle-of-the-night" sessions would allow for longer QSOs. 

A good operator does not overuse the repeater.
     The repeater is a shared resource.

From Tim's Website

Attention All Amateurs... 2010 Field Day Packets Now Available (Feb 2, 2010) -- It's that time of year again -- time to start gearing up for ARRL Field Day, June 26-27, 2010! ARRL's flagship operating event -- always held the fourth full weekend in June -- brings together new and experienced hams for 24 hours of operating fun. Field Day packets are now available for download and include the complete rules (including changes for 2010), as well as other reference items such as forms, ARRL Section abbreviation list, entry submission instructions, a Frequently Asked Questions section, guidelines for getting bonus points, instructions for GOTA stations, a kit to publicize your event with the local press and more.

300 Feet Of Co Operation

NCVEC Releases Second Technician Question Pool (Feb 2, 2010) -- In January, the Question Pool Committee (QPC) of the National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVECreleased the 2010 Technician (Element 2) Question Pool. Upon further review of the pool, members of the QPC found and corrected more than 50 minor typographical errors and clarified the questions and answers, making them easier to understand. These adopted changes are now incorporated in a revised question pool. The errata list, as well as the revised Technician question pool, is available on the NCVEC Web site. The previously released pool dated January 4, 2010 is invalid for use. The newly revised Technician question pool will become effective for all examinations administered on or after July 1, 2010; it will remain valid until June 30, 2014. The current Technician question pool that became effective July 1, 2006 will expire June 30, 2010. The new Technician pool contains approximately 400 questions, from which 35 are selected for an Element 2 examination; it will contain graphics and diagrams, something new for this element. The current General class question pool was effective July 1, 2007 and is valid through June 30, 2011. The current Amateur Extra class pool was effective July 1, 2008 and is valid until June 30, 2012.

Have A Complaint About A OO,
Here Is The Tennessee Head OO 
Official Observer Coordinator
John B Swisher, AB4O
PO Box 40
Unicoi, TN 37692-0040
(423) 943-4627

Official ARRL Field Organization Appointment Description: Official Observer

The Official Observer program has been sponsored by the League for more than 50 years to help amateurs help each other. Official Observer appointees have assisted thousands of amateurs to maintain their transmitting equipment and operating procedures in compliance with the regulations. The object of the OO program is to notify amateurs by mail of operating/technical irregularities before they come to the attention of the FCC.

The OO is also the backbone of the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC. OOs are certified in the Auxiliary by passing a mandatory written examination.

The OO performs his function by listening rather than transmitting, keeping an ear out for such things as frequency instability, harmonics, hum, key clicks, broad signals, distorted audio, over deviation, out-of-band operation, etc. The OO completes his task once the notification card is sent.

In hard-core rules violations cases, OOs refer problems to higher echelons of the Amateur Auxiliary, and may be requested to gather evidence for possible FCC enforcement actions. Requirements follow:

  1. Must take and pass examination to be certified as a member of the Amateur Auxiliary, an FCC requirement, based on study of the ARRL's Amateur Auxiliary Training Manual.

  2. Must be an ARRL Full Member and have been a licensee of Technician Class or higher for at least four years.

  3. Must report to the OO Coordinator regularly on FSD-23.

  4. Maintain regular activity in sending out advisory notices as needed.

The OO program is one of the most important functions of the League. A sincere dedication to helping our brother and sister amateurs is required for appointment. Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public. They DO NOT GET INTO CAUSING PEOPLE /  HAMS TO QUIT, OR DEMORALIZE A PERSON ON THE AIR!!! If they do this then you need to contact the person listed above with a full detailed explanation of the issue !

Lets Look At SOme Bands ?

A Great Resource Page

Lets Look At Some Nuke Bombs......A Little Different History

How To Build A Nuke !!


Some Really Interesting Things From Truth or Fiction!!

Well hope you enjoyed these links and the news letter, and hope
that we can all get along on the 2 meter and 440 bands..
We have a Tech Class this weekend at the EOC in Sevierville,
if you need info please call or e mail....

See you on the net tomorrow !!
God Bless and God Bless The USA
Rick Sr

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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