Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The 470 ARG News Letter 12-23 09

Welcome everyone and Merry Christmas, just a few days left before the big event, but remember what Christmas is truly about also. thanks to all who enjoyed the History of Christmas last news letter, and who passed it along and told everyone about looking on the website to see... with that lets get started with this week news letter...

NOTICE !!!!!
From the National Weather Service, Morristown Tennessee,ED Bradly,  I have been asked to post that the NWS is looking for a qualified District Emergency Coordinator for District 5, this position requirements have been formed and can be obtained from Ed Bradly at the e mail below, all applications will be considered and the application that fills the requirements will be selected as the new DEC for District 5 Skywarn... Again if interested in this position please contact Ed Bradly at the e mail below ASAP, there are just a few days left to apply.... 
"Skywarn advisory board member Ed Bradley W4VGI will be sending an email between Christmas & New Years looking for recommendations to fill the Skywarn district # 5 emergency coordinator position. Howard appointed Ed a coordinator after Rocky moved to Michigan. Howard Waldron retired around January, 2009, & was replaced by Tim Troutman.
Please direct any questions directly to Ed at w4vqi@juno.com."

What is New Years and a little history of the New Year, hope you enjoy this link...

From The NTA.... some interesting developments .......

Attention All Amateurs... ARRL Headquarters Closed for Christmas, New Year's Holidays (Dec 20, 2009) -- ARRL Headquarters will be closed Friday, December 25, 2009 and Friday, January 1, 2010 in observance of Christmas and New Year's Day. There will be no W1AW bulletins or code practice transmissions those days. There will be no ARRL Letter  or ARRL Audio News on Thursday, December 24 and 31. ARRL HQ will also close at 2 PM EST on December 24; there will be no afternoon W1AW code practice transmissions that day. We wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday season and a prosperous 2010.

Chinese Satellite XW-1 Receives OSCAR Designation (Dec 21, 2009) -- Less than one week after China's first Amateur Radio satellite -- XW-1 -- was successfully launched, AMSAT has designated it Hope-OSCAR 68, or HO-68. "Amateur Radio Operators around the world have received beacon signals from XW-1," said AMSAT-NA OSCAR Number Coordinator Bill Tynan, W3XO. "XW-1 has been coordinated through IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel. As XW in Chinese means 'hope,' it had been requested that this word be used as the prefix for the new OSCAR number. Therefore, with the above information and the authority vested in me by the AMSAT-NA President, I hereby designate this latest Amateur Radio satellite as Hope OSCAR 68 or HO-68." HO-68's communications payload includes a beacon and three crossband transponders operating in FM, SSB/CW and digital modes. Uplink and downlink frequencies can be found on the CAMSAT Web site. For the latest Keplarian elements for XW-1 and other satellites, check out the W1AW Keplerian Bulletins.

Those DX Stamps... I have been keeping for some time , a second great hobby.....I thought this article was really great, thanks to those who put together !!!

Add color and curiosity to your award displays.

Figure 1 — My collection of stamps amassed from years of QSLing.
Figure 2 — My DXCC in its original 8 × 10 inch frame.
Figure 3 — The DXCC certificate bordered with stamps in 16 × 20 inch frame.
Figure 4 — Cutting the stamps off the envelopes.
Figure 5 — Soaking the stamps in warm water to separate them from their envelopes.
Figure 6 — Preparing stamps to be pressed and dried.
Figure 7 —The initial placement of the stamps on the mat.
Figure 8 — The completed mat with 100% stamp coverage.
Figure 9 — The finished product.

So you have been DXing and QSLing for a while and have amassed a pile of envelopes with foreign stamps and never knew what to do with them (see Figure 1)?

You have a DXCC, WAS or some other favorite award and you want to go from plain (see Figure 2) to snazzy (see Figure 3)?

Over the years I have been a pack rat and have collected envelopes and stamps from well over 200 different countries. I always had good intentions to do something with the stamps. This past spring I finally put a plan into action to make a display that would combine my DXCC certificate and all the stamps I have collected over the years. If you don't happen to have enough stamps; many hobby stores also sell packages of foreign or domestic stamps for a reasonable price.

You don't have to limit this approach to just foreign stamps and DXCC. The same idea could be applied to a WAS or VUCC using domestic stamps or any combination. The color of the collage of stamps would make any of your prized awards go from ordinary to eye popping. All of the materials can be purchased at your local hobby or craft store for less than $100.

To liven up your award you need the following materials:

• Frame for 16 × 20 inch photograph
• Top mat: Hobby Lobby #H12522 (muted yellow)
• Bottom mat: Hobby Lobby #H8007 (brushed gold) 1/4 inch width
• Acid free backer board
• Krylon "Easy-Tack" spray adhesive
• A tweezers
• Lots of stamps
• Your favorite ARRL award

Getting the Stamps Off the Envelopes

To remove the stamps from their envelopes you will need the following items:

• Bowl
• Warm water
• Wax paper
• Something heavy and flat

Cut the corner off of the envelopes (see Figure 4) that have the stamps attached. You want to remove the stamp from the envelope without damaging it. Soak about 15-20 stamps in a bowl of warm water for about 3-5 minutes (see Figure 5). At the end of that time the stamps should easily come off of the envelope paper. If the stamps do not fall off continue to soak them for a few more minutes.

Once the stamp is off the paper, place it on wax paper that is laid out on a flat surface (see Figure 6). Place all of the stamps on the wax paper then cover them with another piece of wax paper. Next place a heavy flat item (book, piece of wood, etc) on top of the "stamp sandwich." Let the stamps completely dry. This may take a few hours or even a day. Repeat this process using 15-20 stamps each time until you have enough to surround your DXCC. In my case this was approximately 200 stamps.

Carefully remove the stamps from the wax paper; the stamps should be completely flat and dry. If some have curled or are not flat use a dry iron to try to flatten them. Iron the back of the stamp so as not to damage its face.

Choosing a Mat and Frame

The DXCC certificate is 8.5 inches high and 11 inches wide. I picked a mat that would fit into a 16 × 20 inch frame. This will give you a 3 to 4 inch border of stamps around the DXCC certificate. I picked a double mat with beveled edges and a contrasting color (white/gold) so that it would emphasize the DXCC certificate and the stamps and certificate would be on different layers. I purchased the mat and frame from Hobby Lobby (www.hobbylobby.com). I took the DXCC certificate into the store and the sales person was able to cut the mat to fit my certificate perfectly. Make sure that the frame you select will fit the thickness of the mat.

Arranging the Stamps

The next step is the most time consuming but the time spent will be well worth the effort. Stamps come in many different sizes, shapes and colors; arranging them on the mat is like working on a jigsaw puzzle. You should start at the edge of the mat closest to the award and work your way outward (see Figure 7). The outer 1/2 inch of the mat will likely be covered by the frame. The goal is to have complete coverage with stamps so that there is no white space showing. It is okay to overlap stamps; they do not have to line up edge to edge. You can plug small holes with pieces of a stamp if necessary. I'm a type-A kind of person, so I arranged my stamps by continent and placed them on the mat as I would see them on a map. You may not want to invest that much time and effort.

You will first want to do a dry placement (no adhesive) to get the stamps arranged to your liking. It is better to start on one inner side and work your way around the mat. There was one stamp that I wanted to emphasize so I cut a piece of black construction paper slightly bigger than the stamp. I placed the construction paper on the mat and then centered the stamp on top of the construction paper. The stamp that I emphasized was the US 5 cent 1964 Amateur Radio commemorative. I placed this stamp at the top middle of the mat. If you have some favorite stamps you might want to try this in multiple places.

Attaching the Stamps to the Mat

This is where a true philatelist (stamp collector) would probably cringe. Stamp collectors typically use stamp hinges to attach stamps to paper. The stamp hinges are tiny adhesive flaps that you moisten and attach to the stamp and to the paper. If you wanted to use this method to attach 200 + stamps to the mat it might take a long, long time and it would be very hard to make any minor adjustments.

I was looking for a mat that had a "Post-It" like adhesive already on it so that I could easily place, remove and rearrange stamps, but I could not find a product that fit the bill. I did find a spray-on adhesive that stayed tacky for several minutes, which is what I ended up using. The adhesive was Krylon Easy-Tack, which was purchased at Hobby Lobby. Make sure that you spray only the mat and not the award. It is best to remove the backer board and award from the mat while you are spraying the adhesive and placing the stamps.

Spray the adhesive on a small area of the mat and then arrange 15-20 stamps on the sticky area. You will need to work quickly but if you mess up it's easy to remove a stamp with tweezers and reposition it. Repeat this process as you work around the edges of the mat until all of the stamps are placed and there are no white areas from the mat exposed. The goal is to have 100 percent stamp coverage on the mat (see Figure 8). Allow this to dry completely for several hours before placing the mat over the backer board and placing it in the frame (see Figure 9).

All photos by Tim Pearson, K5AC.

Tim Pearson, K5AC (ex KU4J), an ARRL member, is a senior principal software engineer in Fort Worth, Texas. He is an Extra class operator and has been a ham for 34 years having first been licensed in 1975 as WN4AXN, WB4AXN and later as KU4J. Tim participated in the February 2009 K5D Desecheo Island DXpedition and has participated in many contest expeditions (W4NT/C6A, ZF2CN, FMØAB, VP5EE,VP2VFP, PJ9T, V47Z, J37H and J3A).

Tim is past president of the Vulcan DX Club (Birmingham, Alabama), North Alabama DX Club (Huntsville) and the Lone Star DX Association (Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas). His current passion is RTTY DXing and has confirmed 310 countries in the past 6 years.

Tim enjoys backpacking, tennis, sailing (R/C and real,) scouting and tinkering with embedded computers. Tim is married to Reena and has two children, John-Michael and Daniel. He can be contacted at 4200 Bridgeview Dr #1328, Fort Worth, TX 76109.


What we all have been waiting for , the plan continues...

Amateur Radio Bill Passes Senate, Moves to the House

On Monday, December 14, S 1755 -- The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 -- passed the Senate by unanimous consent; the bill now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration. Sponsored by Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), S 1755, if passed, would direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to undertake a study on emergency communications. S 1755 points out that "There is a strong Federal interest in the effective performance of Amateur Radio Service stations, and that performance must be given -- (A) support at all levels of government; and (B) protection against unreasonable regulation and impediments to the provision of the valuable communications provided by such stations."

Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee considered S 1755 on December 10. After it passed through Committee, it was placed on the Senate's calendar to be voted on. "We are grateful to Committee Chairman Lieberman and Ranking Member Collins for sponsoring the bill and arranging for its swift consideration and passage by the Senate," said ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ.

Similar in language to HR 2160 (also called The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009 that was introduced this past April by Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX-18]), S 1755 calls on DHS to undertake a study on the uses and capabilities of Amateur Radio Service communications in emergencies and disaster relief and then to submit a report to Congress no more than 180 days after the bill becomes law. The study shall: 

  • Include a review of the importance of Amateur Radio emergency communications in furtherance of homeland security missions relating to disasters, severe weather and other threats to lives and property in the United States, as well as recommendations for enhancements in the voluntary deployment of Amateur Radio licensees in disaster and emergency communications and disaster relief efforts and improved integration of Amateur Radio operators in planning and furtherance of the Department of Homeland Security initiatives.
  • Identify impediments to enhanced Amateur Radio Service communications, such as the effects of unreasonable or unnecessary private land use regulations on residential antenna installations; and make recommendations regarding such impediments for consideration by other federal departments, agencies and Congress. 

In conducting the study, S 1755 directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to "utilize the expertise of stakeholder entities and organizations, including the Amateur Radio, emergency response and disaster communications communities."

S 1755 makes note of the fact that Section 1 of the Joint Resolution entitled Joint Resolution to Recognize the Achievements of Radio Amateurs, and To Establish Support for Such Amateurs as National Policy -- approved October 22, 1994 (Public Law 103-408) -- included a finding that stated: "Reasonable accommodation should be made for the effective operation of Amateur Radio from residences, private vehicles and public areas, and the regulation at all levels of government should facilitate and encourage amateur radio operations as a public benefit." The bill also pointed out that Section 1805(c) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 757(c)) directs the Regional Emergency Communications Coordinating Working Group of the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate their activities with ham and Amateur Radio operators among the 11 other emergency organizations, such as ambulance services, law enforcement and others.

Test Sessions from the Sevier County ARRL group..

Time: 10:00AM e mial to let know your attending(Walk-ins allowed)
weather maybe a factor on the session can all at 865-429-2422
HWY 411

Time: 10:00AM e mail to let know your attending(Walk-ins allowed)
weather maybe a factor please call 865-429-2422
HWY 411

February there is no test as the 27th is our annual Skywarn class,
starts at 10:00 am, 3 hours long, presented by
the NWS,SCRS, 470 ARG, SCERS.. I hope that you will be attending,
everyone is welcome, this is just not intended for
amateur radio operators, emergency personal, persons who are interested
in your community, this is a great class presented by
Tim Troutman at the NWS, fun and informative, free material, anyone ,everywhere
your welcome, 1171 Dolly Parton Parkway,
next to Tentec Manufacturing, please e mail
me and let me know your attending so we have enough
material on the class !!

Send the world a holiday greeting, note there is a TN and NY #shown..
Send the entire world a holiday greeting from you! It will air on the QSO radio Christmas and New Years show. Just call 615-469-0702 give your call sign and then give the world your Christmas and New Years thoughts or greeting.
You may want to mention some things about your family, ham friends or club.
You may want to say something about the ham radio hobby!
You may want to tell about a special Christmas or a special holiday ham radio story.
The QSO Christmas show airs on powerful International Shortwave stations heard around the world.
So join in the holiday fun by calling in a Christmas/New Years message to the QSO Radio Show by calling 716-469-0702 and leaving your message.
If you mess up a little then just hang up and call back!
We will be posting the broadcast schedule and times here on QRZ.COM and on the QSO website http://www.qsoradioshow.com

Join in with radio amateurs in the USA as we spread Peace, Joy and Cheer to the rest of the world! Over what is dearest to us the magic of radio!

The phone number to call is 615-469-0702
From QRZ
Reply With Quote

Check out the Giga Parts Contest..
Stop by everyday and you maybe a winner of a FT950

Well no net this week..... but don't forget that we will be on the air
for the kids tracking Santa !! here are a few links that you can also track Santa !!


The north Pole Website

The Santa net !!!!

73 All and God Bless
Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Years
Rick & Cathy
Oscar, Honeybee and Max


Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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