Wednesday, October 28, 2009

470 News Letter for 10-28-09

Hello again and hope that everyone is doing well, we had a total of 76 check in's last week on the net, and again want to thank everyone who joined us on the net. The 2nd anniversary of the 470 ARG will be next month, which we will have  a special event on the HF bands for phone and digital participants. Here is the info that is listed on the ARRL special events page and in QST.
Nov 1-Nov 16, 1700Z-0300Z, Sevierville, TN. 470 Amateur Radio Group, W4H. 2nd Anniversary of the 470 ARG Net. 24.450 14.260 14.070 7.260 7.070 3.860. QSL. Note amateur's name and send QSL to, call that is working the W4H event.
When working the event remember to let them know your call and that they can QSL however you desire to receive, The special event call is W4H but send all QSL cards to you direct and SASE if you prefer.. as a extra anyone not able to work HF portion which by the way will cover from Tech  thru Extra can work each other on the 443.225 UHF repeater,note this is a low profile repeater so it maybe some what of a challenge,and  at anytime doing the dates shown , or of course on the 145.470 repeater at 9:00am to 9:30 am, 1:00pm to 1:30pm, 6:00pm to 6:30pm  and 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm , thru the dates listed excluding Tuesday and Thursday nights when there is net activity..this would be for those again who are not really able to work HF, we want all hams to be able to participate in this special event and have fun....the week after the event ends we will take a count of how many station you worked... again I hope that everyone has a great time and makes  a lot of new contacts and amateur friends....please note you can work round the clock from the 1st to the 16th.....if you have any questions  feel free to give me a call.. if you do use QSL cards please show on the card W4H Special Event for those who you send to, if you have not had them printed on the cards you have ordered or made... that way they will also know what event they worked, HAVE FUN !!
On the website it gives a brief description of why the net was started, and now has grown to be a very popular net with check in's from Alabama, North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky,and of course Tennessee, I get e mails from several that hear the net and read our news letter on the website.  The 470 has promoted amateur radio to many folks and of course been a regular place for all to come together once a week to say hello and talk about many topics, Russell KF4LIA of course, one of the Co Founders of the net brings us our Prayer before the net and takes Prayer Request from everyone, Danny, KI4YCJ brings the Trivia to us which has been a big success and everyone enjoys. The 470 has a portion to pass any emergency or priority traffic, it presents the amateur's who are on the net or listening announcements of upcoming events, test sessions, meetings  or club functions. Of course discussion on many topics and help to those who need help in the amateur radio area, for old and new alike, the 470 brought you the Photo Contest from Robin and Tim which still to this day is talked about, the 470 is also the frequency to listen to for weather reports and reporting  from our Skywarn Spotters, for District 6, thanks to the National Weather Service and Bill Hicks W1RFA our DEC for Skywarn, the 470 is part of the National Volunteer Presidential Award Service, to honor those who have given their time to the amateur world as well as our communities, the 470 is also the backup frequency for the Sevier County Emergency Radio Service and ARES/RACES, we are listed on the ARRL in their net directory, the 470 has the Ladies Round Table Net, where all amateur lady radio operaters can come once a week and also say hello to each other and have fun,talk about the things that ladies enjoy, so guys it's their turn, please respect their time also, we have many ladies now taking part in amateur radio, and with the e mails Cathy has got, looks like that it will grow more,  for these ladies who also have worked hard to enjoy ham radio , we have the only Ladies Net in Tennessee right here on the 145.470.. but  you know none of this would be possible if it wasn't for one man, his devotion and love for ham radio, Mr Tim Berry, WB4GBI who has allowed us to have these nets, and use his repeater for them.. Tim , Thank You, for all you have done for amateur radio and our communities, and not ask for anything in return, it takes a very special person to do that...and for all come join us on the 145.470, we try very hard to make it safe for our young hams as will as for everyone else, and thanks to those who monitor and help those passing thru with information, directions  or whatever is needed.... We have some really great hams.....its very good to have the repeaters we have, but its really great to have the 145.470...

Congratulations to those Ladies and gents that passed their test last weekend with us, and if you know someone who is interested in taking a Tech Class and test on 11-07-09 let them know that we will be at the EOC/911 Building at 245 Bruce Street here in Sevierville TN, starting at 10:00 am and ending at around 5:00 pm, if anyone needs any info please contact me by phone or e mail... we have had 4 ladies pass in the last month which is great !!

Upcoming Test and Classes With Us...
11-07-09 ARRL Class and Test TECH  Only EOC  10:00 AM
11-28-09 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
12-19-09 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
01-23-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  9:30 AM
02-27-10 Skywarn Class Free SCRS  10:00 AM
03-06-10 ARECC ARRL Level 1 Class and Test EOC  9:00 AM
03-27-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
04-03-10 ARRL Class and Test TECH ONLY  EOC 10:00 AM
04-24-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
05-22-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
06-19-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
07-17-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
08-07-10 ARECC ARRL Level 1 Class and Test EOC  9:00 AM
08-28-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
09-04-10 ARRL Class and Test TECH ONLY EOC  10:00 AM
10-23-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
11-20-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
12-18-10 ARRL Test Session  SCRS  10:00 AM
Again these are the dates that have been submitted for the ARRL Website, there maybe changes that cannot be seen by the serving agencies that will require change , please keep checking the 470 Website or ARRL Website for changes, when in question please feel free to call me to confirm ~  865-429-2422 or e mail at 
Special Classes or Tests may be given with out notice, groups welcome, walk in's welcome, but would like to know if you wish to attend !!

ARRL Incoming QSL ...

ARRL Outgoing QSL......

Amateur Radio Quiz: Assault'n Batteries

By H. Ward Silver, N0AX
ARRL Contributing Editor

October 27, 2009

Solar cells -- can't top 'em. Ultracapacitors -- can't top 'em. They produce an unstoppable electromotive force! Powering everything from power amplifiers to personal phones, no other practical product packs the punch of electrochemical cells, the first true electrical device. Ubiquitous though they may be, our knowledge of their inner workings is often weak. Discharge your memory banks into this quiz to see how you measure up!

1) What causes the terminal voltage of a battery to drop under load?
a. ennui
b. internal resistance
c. contact delamination
d. electromigration

2) Who invented the first electrochemical cell?
a. Volta
b. Voltaire
c. Volare
d. Voldemort

3) What's the difference between a battery and a cell?
a. Cells are only found in laboratories.
b. There's no difference -- the terms mean the same thing.
c. Batteries have more current capacity.
d. Batteries are made up of more than one cell.

4) Volume being equal, which type of battery will deliver the most energy?
a. Lead-acid
b. Zinc-air
c. Lithium-ion
d. Carbon-zinc

5) Which type of charger maintains a battery at a stable voltage?
a. Constant current
b. Trickle
c. Float
d. Training

6) Which type of battery can be recharged?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Stationary

7) What does "MH" stand for in the battery type abbreviation "NiMH"?
a. Metallic Hydrogen
b. Maximum Horsepower
c. Metal Hydride
d. Mega Henries

8) What is necessary for a battery to produce the flow of electrons?
a. A completed external circuit.
b. A liquid or gel electrolyte.
c. Free metallic cations.
d. An acid and a base, separated by a dielectric.

9) A deep-cycle battery is specially designed so that it can be used in what way?
a. Supplying pulses of high current.
b. To maintain a constant output voltage with wide variations of current.
c. Underwater applications, such as sonar and remote vehicle propulsion systems.
d. Be repeatedly discharged to low output voltage between charges.

10) If a battery is a "pull-out," what does that mean?
a) It slides in and out of a battery holder.
b) It has been removed from some other piece of equipment.
c) It failed to meet manufacturer specifications and is sold at a discount.
d) These are new batteries, just received from the manufacturer.

Bonus: Ampere-hours (Ah) have units of coulombs -- an amount of charge. What assumption allows Ah to be used as a measure of deliverable energy instead?



1. b -- Current flowing through the internal resistance causes a voltage drop, just like a separate resistor.

2. a -- He was rewarded (eventually) by having the unit of electromotive force -- the volt -- named after him.

3. d -- For example, a 9 V battery consists of seven 1.5 V cells in series. That's why we buy "D cells" and not "D batteries."

4. c -- This is the reigning energy density champ of consumer batteries, but new "chemistries" are being devised all the time!

5. c -- Float charging applies a constant voltage to the battery after full-charge is reached.

6. b -- Although it helps for the battery to be stationary, only secondary batteries can be recharged.

7. c -- Some metallic hydrides (compounds of metal and hydrogen) can store and release electrons quite effectively.

8. a -- Without a path for the electrons, the chemicals in the cell cannot react by exchanging electrons.

9. d -- A regular automotive battery used in this way quickly loses its energy storage capacity.

10. b -- Rechargeable batteries are often removed from service on a fixed schedule to ensure that equipment operates properly. They may have significant service life left, but generally less than that guaranteed by the manufacturer. Caveat emptor!


Bonus -- The assumption is that the battery maintains a constant output voltage. The units of voltage are joules ÷ coulombs, so Ah × V = joules (or energy).

SumbandilaSat Now OSCAR 67 (Oct 23, 2009) -- The South African Amateur Radio satellite SumbandilaSat has been officially designated SumbandilaSat-OSCAR 67, or simply OSCAR 67. Last weekend, the satellite was successfully activated and tested with a number of contacts made through its transponder, but it is not yet open for routine use. The satellite was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on September 17. The main payload is a multi-spectral imager, but the satellite also carries an Amateur Radio component consisting of a 2 meter/70 cm FM repeater. After SumbandilaSat is fully commissioned, the repeater will be activated with an uplink at 145.880 MHz and a downlink at 435.350 MHz; there will also be a voice beacon at 435.300 MHz. The transponder mode will be controlled by a CTCSS tone on the uplink frequency. SumbandilaSat was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology and was built at SunSpace in cooperation with the Stellenbosch University. In addition to the SA-AMSAT amateur module, the satellite carries Stellenbosch University's radiation experiment and software defined radio (SDR) project, an experiment from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and a VLF radio module from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

The Oscilloscope...and Test Equipment..

Well there is a little above about test equipment and their use.. hope that it was informative for you......

Time Zones...

Now this gets deep !! But very interesting I thought ...

Roman Numerals..

Other Wire Antenna's..

Design Your Own Ground Plane..

The QSL Net...

Convert Feet To Meters..

Ham Radio Mods, a look at some mods.....

Tennessee Phone Net
3980 kHz

The Tennessee Phone Net meets at the following times
(all times are Central) 

Weekday Schedule


5:40 AM
Net Control Station

6:45 AM
Net Control Station

6:30 PM
Net Control Station

Monday Larry - WB4NCW Andy - W4SQE David - WA4VVX
Tuesday Larry - WB4NCW Greg - K4KO Wylodean - WA4HKU
Wednesday Larry - WB4NCW Larry - WB4NCW Jerry - KB4VEL
Thursday Tom - K4CMY Terry - W4SYE  
Friday Larry - WB4NCW Larry - WB4NCW Jerry - KB4VEL

NOTE:  The Monday evening Net is a combined TN ARES Net and TN Phone Net

Weekend Schedule


8:00 AM
Net Control Station

6:30 PM
Net Control Station

Saturday David - WA4VVX Jerry - KB4VEL
Sunday Larry - WB4NCW NO  NET


Holiday Schedule

  8:00 AM
Net Control Station
Monday Andy - W4SQE -
Tuesday Greg - K4KO -
Wednesday Larry - WB4NCW -
Thursday Terry - W4SYE -
Friday Larry - WB4NCW -
Saturday David - WA4VVX -
Sunday Larry - WB4NCW -


If you would like to help with the TN Phone Net, please contact one of the following:

Manager for the early morning session:  Larry Marshall - WB4NCW at
Net Manager for the morning session:  Larry Marshall - WB4NCW at
Net Manager for the evening session:  Larry Marshall - WB4NCW at

Tennessee Scanner Freq, The Big List ........

Well thats about it for this week, hope to hear ya all on the net Thursday at 7:30 pm on the 145.470, also you ladies, Tuesday Night at 8:00pm , this is your net to enjoy, come by and join in and have fun, Ladies Night For You On Ham Radio, this net is not for the guys ....
Hope everyoen has a great week and safe week,
Rick and Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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