Wednesday, September 30, 2009

470 News Letter For Sept 30, 2009

Hello everyone, running a little late this time, have been really busy with other projects, looks like the cool weather is upon us, so I have been doing some outside work and doing a few extra jobs on the side.. It was great to see everyone who came to TenTec, our Sevier County Emergency Radio Service table in the main tent was a great success, we gave a some good information, got some new members, and got to see or meet those who we haven't seen or met with before, a super time even though  it rained..
The 470 ARG  and the SCERS will be sponsoring a National Weather Service Skywarn Class in February on the 27th, of 2010, the location will be known by the next news letter, Tim Troutman will be the instructor for the class, we had looked at November but felt more time would be better and a Saturday could help more attend...
This weekend there is a Tech Class at the EOC / 911 Building at 245 Bruce Street  starting at 10:00 am, those interested can call me at 865-429-2422, if not at home leave a message or e mail me at ....

Lets get started ...
From The NTS, there are some really good articles this week,

The National Parks, being shown on PBS at present,

List of Parks

The National Park System

The National Park Ranger

Something A Little Closer

TN State Parks

ARRL Board Adopts Guidelines and Recommendations on the Appropriate Use of Amateur Radio

On Friday, September 25, the ARRL Board of Directors adopted guidelines on the appropriate use of Amateur Radio on behalf of commercial, non-profit and government entities, as well as recommendations for additional steps to be taken by the ARRL to educate radio amateurs and others on how to prepare and train for public service and emergency communications while complying with the current FCC Rules.

At its meeting in July 2009, the ARRL Board created an ad-hoc committee to study the issue and prepare suggested guidelines. The committee submitted its report to the ARRL Executive Committee, which reviewed and revised the document. After additional discussion among Board members by electronic mail and teleconference, the Executive Committee submitted the document to the Board for formal adoption.

Entitled The Commercialization of Amateur Radio: The Rules, The Risks, The Issues, the document offers guidelines to assist radio amateurs and anyone wishing to utilize the capabilities of Amateur Radio in understanding the FCC Rules that prohibit communications in which the amateur has a pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an employer. While the FCC Rules in this regard have not changed in many years, there has been increasing discussion of the issue as growing numbers of employers and non-amateur organizations recognize the value of Amateur Radio as an emergency communications resource and encourage their employees to obtain amateur licenses. Also included are guidelines for evaluating the appropriateness of Amateur Radio volunteers providing communications services to commercial enterprises and other entities for which other communications systems are available.

"The guidelines are not intended to be the last word on the subject, and surely will not be," observed ARRL First Vice President Kay Craigie, N3KN, and chair of the ad-hoc committee. "The report includes several recommendations for additional steps that the ARRL needs to take to help amateurs and the organizations we serve to better understand the Rules and to ensure that what we do to prepare to be of service in emergencies is consistent with the current Rules."  Click Here To View ..

Out With The Old In with The New

HAM Appointed As Chief Of ARMY MARS

Amateur Radio Quiz: Way-back Wireless

By H. Ward Silver, N0AX
ARRL Contributing Editor

September 26, 2009

Stepping into a time machine set on "just out of sight" is always an adventure. It's important that we have a sense of our technological history if for no other reason than to enjoy the fun as old becomes new again. This month, see if some of these references don't tickle some long-disused neurons, some from books and some from personal experience! Questions of inventors and discoverers may tread some grey areas of historical priority, but the answers reflect the most widely accepted reading.

1) What electrical function was performed by a "slop jar"?
a. Accumulate grid leaks
b. Rectify ac
c. Artificial ground
d. Transient clamping

2) Poulsen invented what device used in early transmitters?
a. Multiplier
b. Transformer
c. Arc
d. Tuner

3) What type of device was the "audion"?
a. Vacuum tube
b. Speaker
c. Headphones
d. Detector

4) To what was the nickname "Old Betsy" given?
a. Transmitter
b. Receiver
c. This was the term for "Murphy" before Murphy's Law was popularized.
d. QRN

5) Who is most widely credited with first describing vacuum-tube rectification?
a. Hertz
b. Maxwell
c. Armstrong
d. Fleming

6) Who invented the "single-signal" crystal filter?
a. Armstrong
b. Lamb
c. de Broglie
d. Marconi

7) A "TRF" is a type of what?
a. Antenna
b. Battery
c. Early coaxial connector family
d. Receiver

8) In a spark transmitter, what determined the strongest wavelength of the transmission?
a. Antenna system
b. Rotational speed
c. Gap spacing
d. All wavelengths were of equal strength

9) What was the original name for radio waves?
a. Cathode rays
b. Ethereal waves
c. Alpha particles
d. Hertz or Hertzian waves

10) Who discovered the electron and in what year?
a. J J Thomson (later, Lord Kelvin) in 1897
b. Dimitri Mendeleev in 1859
c. Ernest Rutherford in 1915
d. Albert Einstein in 1904


Bonus: What was the first solid-state device used in wireless communication?



1. b -- Consisting of strips of dissimilar metals in a caustic lye solution, you can see where the rectifier got its name.
2. c -- A Poulsen arc, also called an arc converter, converted dc into RF.
3. a -- A triode amplifier, manufactured by Lee DeForest.
4. a -- Old Betsy was Hiram Percy Maxim's rotary spark-gap transmitter, on display at W1AW.
5. c -- Fleming made use of the Edison Effect to create the first electronic device, the thermionic diode.
6. b -- Lamb applied the quartz crystal as a filter to limit receiver bandwidth.
7. d -- Tuned Radio Frequency receivers preceded the superheterodyne.
8. a -- The combination of the antenna's natural resonance and the coupling circuit from the spark gap acted formed a low-Q tuned circuit.
9. d -- For the physicist Hertz who conducted the first experiments with electromagnetic waves in 1887.
10. a -- Only four years later, Marconi spanned the Atlantic, 14 years before the discovery of the atomic nucleus!

Bonus: The Branly coherer consisted of an insulating tube filled with fine metallic particles -- usually iron filings -- squeezed between an electrode at each end. When a radio wave passed through the filings, their conductivity increased, allowing an external circuit to respond, creating a radio wave detector. Interestingly, vacuum tubes quickly replaced the coherer as a detector, delaying an understanding of the physics of its operation until 2005! The full story is told in the September 2009 issue of IEEE Communications Magazine by Jean-Marie Dilhac.

The Extra Class section - The Outhouse Net Is Back On The AIR  3.660.0  9:00pm Nightly

Outhouse Rules Apply !!!

FORCE 12 ..

Well hope you liked the NPS Edition and the other articles, keeping it a little short tonight, but there is a lot of reading to check out above..
Hope that you can make the net tomorrow at 7:30 pm, on the 145.470..
I have been back on 60 Meters and its picking back up, its the time of year !!
With that  73 and hope that everyone is doing well..
Rick and Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ
NCS For The 470ARG Net
President of Sevier County Emergency Radio Service,EC For Sevier County, ARES & Skywarn Member
ARRL VE & CE, SCERS Club Call Trustee KJ4HPM, Member OMISS
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
Amateur Extra Class
NCS for The Ladies Round Table Net
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
SCERS 443.225
Monitor 145.470 , 444.300, 146.730, 146.940
HF -3.980, 3.975, 3.983,3.940.5

Want To Help Support The 470 Send All
Donations to the 145.470 send to: Mr.Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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